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Wild Pacific
Don't think I've seen this mentioned here before, apologies if it has, but am watching a BBC documentary called "Wild Pacific" and would like to recommend it to anyone interested. It was called South Pacific when first aired in the UK in 2009 and is mostly about the South Pacific, but there's a lot of Hawaii in it as well. I'm currently watching the 4th of six episodes and this one has a lot of Big Island filming in it.

It's mostly about wildlife but ventures off into other things such as surfing and volcanoes and the cinematography is utterly stunning (tiger sharks hunting albatross chicks off French Frigate Shoals is particularly notable - you couldn't pay me enough to swim with tiger sharks and no shark cage but that's what they did). It even has more than a spattering of Hawaiian music!

Only unfortunate thing for me is it doesn't have David Attenborough doing the narration, but Benedict Cumberbatch does a pretty good job!

Is that on disk two?
terracore - not sure what you're asking. The tiger shark thing was the last episode on disk one, the volcano and Big Island stuff was the first episode on disk two. In case it helps, Wikipedia has an article on the series -


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