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Covid count
(07-24-2021, 12:51 PM)TomK Wrote:
(07-24-2021, 12:13 PM)AaronM Wrote: Holy unrelated tangent Batman!

WW2 affected the British differently and I understand that but your logic is a little twisted.

I honor those who fought for my freedom by exercising it on a daily basis.

I suspect just about every veteran, no matter what country they fought for, would feel just as sick as I am after reading your comment. But that's not enough for you. Xenophobia rears its ugly head. Can you not understand that we are not being asked to do anything more than wear a mask, get vaccinated and wash our hands? Just doing those simple things will save people's lives.

But you choose to honor those that fought and died for our freedoms by being selfish because you have the freedom to do so, the freedom they gave you, and all you can do is have a go at the Brits.

And he's probably not had a family member in the hospital fighting for her life from covid.  As soldiers in combat, these juvenile people who feel it's just too much to ask of them to wear a mask or get a shot, would probably be hiding in the bushes somewhere, crying.
(07-21-2021, 06:18 PM)randomq Wrote: I feel bad for young children who are being put at risk by the unvaccinated at this point. But as far as rising numbers among the willfully unvaccinated? You made your choice.

Yeah,with school being in person, the spread is going to be horrible. I fear for the keiki.
(07-24-2021, 09:48 PM)kander Wrote: I honestly wonder how many more people could have had their lives saved by the use of widespread and early use of HCQ instead of using it as a political weapon against captain orange. Never underestimate how little peoples lives are worth when $ is involved.

Very few, if any.   Regarding the VAERS reports, it's a somewhat useful system when scrutinized by professionals who know how to use it to find rare yet statistically significant adverse effects.  That's how J and J rare blood clot risk was discovered, for example.  Clinical trials had already demonstrated that they wouldn't be killing people.  

OTOH, VAERS can also be useful when employed improperly by anti vaxxers to make spurious claims about vaccine dangers.

...Experts who have studied hydroxychloroquine say Smith’s paper — which looked back at the treatment of 255 hospitalized patients requiring ventilation in March and April 2020 — has several flaws, particularly with the way the statistical analysis was done. And again, they point to the stronger evidence from randomized controlled trials.
“Retrospective observational studies such as this cannot compare with the much larger randomized controlled trials which show unequivocally that HCQ is NOT beneficial in the treatment of hospitalised patients,” Nicholas White, a professor of tropical medicine at the University of Oxford’s Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health and Mahidol University in Thailand, told us in an email.

White is helping to run a multinational randomized controlled trial on whether hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine is effective as a preventive to COVID-19. His trial is continuing, he said, adding that the question on whether the drugs can provide a benefit for early treatment or prevention “remains open.”
(07-21-2021, 06:18 PM)randomq Wrote: I feel bad for young children who are being put at risk by the unvaccinated at this point..

Considering the commonality that runs through all anti-vaxxer’s is their concern for themselves above any they might have for others, the needs of children who are not their own is too abstract a concept to warrant their consideration.

Unfortunately, the current anti-vax movement is not driven by a fear of vaccines as much as by the need to be afraid of something, and covid vaccines are in vogue. It’s the same crowd that chanted Lock Her Up over and over, and over. The same crowd that thinks the loser won the election. As such, there is no place for reason. As it is with those that believe in fairytales, and other books of a speculative nature, it is some sort of twisted faith that grants them license to 'believe' whatever they want.

And, of course, when we consider how vaccines are a requirement to participate in society, their arguments, their concerns, are rendered moot. Consider the requirements for a person to enter public school in hawaii.

Here, from..

Which states..

"Hawai‘i State Law requires all students to meet physical examination, immunization, and tuberculosis clearance requirements before they may attend a childcare facility, preschool, or public/private school in the State."

And provides this list of required vaccinations..

[Image: Screen-Shot-2019-08-29-at-3.48.44-PM.png]

Isn’t this, alone, reason enough we should just stop coddling the unvaccinated? We should require proof of vaccines to enter any public space? If we did, within a month, two at the most, we'd be rid of covid, and all that anti-vax noise as well.
Ok, it's been a while since I've checked Punaweb... Two points I'd like to make.

1. Some people would LOVE to get the vaccine but cannot. I have a friend like this. Their immune system is compromised. They are terrified of Covid, but past experiences with vaccines also endangered their life.

2. The "It's infringing on our rights" issue. Check out this opinion piece by Tom Ridge, former Republican governor of Pennsylvania and first U.S. secretary of Homeland Security.

Note: People who think John McCain was a loser... don't waste your time reading. Also, this was written early in the pandemic, but I think the sentiment still rings true.
How long are we expected to make this "noble" sacrifice? Two years? Five years? Forever?

We were sold a fantasy about "back to normal". If that's not happening (as appears increasingly likely), when will our "leaders" have the "courage" to tell us the "truth"?
(07-25-2021, 06:33 PM)MyManao Wrote:
(07-21-2021, 06:18 PM)randomq Wrote: I feel bad for young children who are being put at risk by the unvaccinated at this point..

Considering the commonality that runs through all anti-vaxxer’s is their concern for themselves above any they might have for others, the needs of children who are not their own is too abstract a concept to warrant their consideration.

Unfortunately, the current anti-vax movement is not driven by a fear of vaccines as much as by the need to be afraid of something, and covid vaccines are in vogue. It’s the same crowd that chanted Lock Her Up over and over, and over. The same crowd that thinks the loser won the election. As such, there is no place for reason. As it is with those that believe in fairytales, and other books of a speculative nature, it is some sort of twisted faith that grants them license to 'believe' whatever they want.

And, of course, when we consider how vaccines are a requirement to participate in society, their arguments, their concerns, are rendered moot. Consider the requirements for a person to enter public school in hawaii.

Here, from..

Which states..

"Hawai‘i State Law requires all students to meet physical examination, immunization, and tuberculosis clearance requirements before they may attend a childcare facility, preschool, or public/private school in the State."
The last year and a half has taught me that there are SO MANY stupid, selfish and ridiculous people. It's so sad for America and so horrifying to me.
And provides this list of required vaccinations..

[Image: Screen-Shot-2019-08-29-at-3.48.44-PM.png]

Isn’t this, alone, reason enough we should just stop coddling the unvaccinated? We should require proof of vaccines to enter any public space? If we did, within a month, two at the most, we'd be rid of covid, and all that anti-vax noise as well.

(07-24-2021, 05:37 PM)MyManao Wrote:
(07-23-2021, 03:39 AM)kalakoa Wrote: I say drop all restrictions..

I agree, wholeheartedly. As soon as a vaccine passport program is in place, so that we have a clear, simple, and effective way to screen all the unvaccinated for our public spaces, we should all get back to having a life. 

Being held captive by those that refuse to get vaccinated is ridiculous. And yes, in my book to not be vaccinated at this point is a clear sign of mental incompetence. As such, those not vaccinated should be considered a danger to society and dealt with accordingly. And, to be honest, I think their names should be published. We should all know who is developmentally challenged in our community. Otherwise, how can we help them overcome their shortcomings? How can we protect ourselves from the dangers of their deficiencies?

For god's sake, we require everyone entering public schools to be vaccinated, what is the problem? Have we really given control of society to the Trump wannabes? To the idiots that believe the crap that man spews?
Even Orangeman was vaccinated.  Don't they know this?

(07-24-2021, 07:27 PM)eightfingers2.0 Wrote: I’m confused. I thought it was the Trump administration that pushed to get the vaccine out quickly. Now I hear it’s “Trump supporters” that are refusing the vaccine. Is that correct? Why is that?
Maybe one of the problems is the vaccine has been “politicized” and some people are refusing it as a way to “protest” something or “make a point”.
Their Orangeman was vaccinated.  Don't they know that?
"Hawai‘i State Law requires all students to meet physical examination, immunization, and tuberculosis clearance requirements before they may attend a childcare facility, preschool, or public/private school in the State."

There is no FDA approved vaccine for COVID.  Until that changes, I don't know that schools can force children into a stage 3 clinical trial for a disease that very few children develop symptoms.  The World Health Organization says:

The COVID-19 vaccines are safe for most people 18 years and older, including those with pre-existing conditions of any kind, including auto-immune disorders. These conditions include: hypertension, diabetes, asthma, pulmonary, liver and kidney disease, as well as chronic infections that are stable and controlled.

If supplies are limited in your area, discuss your situation with your care provider if you:

Have a compromised immune system
Are pregnant (if you are already breastfeeding, you should continue after vaccination)
Have a history of severe allergies, particularly to a vaccine (or any of the ingredients in the vaccine)
Are severely frail

Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults, so unless they are part of a group at higher risk of severe COVID-19, it is less urgent to vaccinate them than older people, those with chronic health conditions and health workers.

More evidence is needed on the use of the different COVID-19 vaccines in children to be able to make general recommendations on vaccinating children against COVID-19.

Regardless, the COVID case count should be going down because the CDC is withdrawing use of the test that causes most of the false positives. Although the deadline is December 31, they are urging labs to transition away from using it before then:
As soon as a vaccine passport program is in place

No. The unvaccinated have chosen that risk. Children under 12 can stay home. We don't need yet another complicated layer of "COVID theatre", especially given how the current "passport" systems operate.

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