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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
We expect that nonsense from a small backwater County. An entire Country? That's just ridiculous.
... why we can't have nice things.

Whether intentional or not, the purveyors of noise make themselves easy to recognize within the signal to noise ratio.  Not that it’s some kind of silver lining, or better than nothing.
(10-26-2021, 08:03 AM)AaronM Wrote: Oh boy, the peanut gallery from Canada chimes in.  A Country where Thanksgiving dinner was capped at 10 people?  That'll be a hard no, buddy.

Following the 'keep it local' ethos - you can Take Off Eh!

I believe he's been a resident of Puna for a few years now, and his comment was spot on while yours is just nasty garbage.
It's my understanding that he is a non-resident landlord but I'm sure the man can speak for himself Durian.

His handle says Vancouver Island which is Victoria which is British Columbia which is Canada.
Canada has had and still has draconian covid restrictions, so his opinion is no doubt influenced by those.

Finally, anyone who champions the schadenfreude that is spread by anti vaxxer dot com is the one spewing the "nasty garbage".
What I can't figure out is why, given the choice between being part of he solution or part of the problem, anyone would choose being part of the problem.
Along similar lines: people who claim they have "no problem" with the vaccine, but are "absolutely against" a mandate to be vaccinated.
I continue to wonder what the "exit plan" is for the anti-vaxxer crowd. Are they content in knowing that if a sufficient number of people don't get the vaccine, COVID will never go away? Do they hope that it will go away if 90% of people get vaccinated, but they want to be the 10%, and thereby get the benefit of vaccinations generally without actually getting vaccinated themselves? Do they just assume it will magically go away for some other reason? And if they don't think it will go away without nearly 100% of people getting vaccinated, why do they think that the current status quo is preferable to a painless shot in the arm that has been tested on literally billions of people over the past 10 months?
Leilani Estates, 2011 to Present
(10-27-2021, 02:30 AM)Justin Wrote: I continue to wonder what the "exit plan" is for the anti-vaxxer crowd...

They'll continue to bitch about the vaccines until that falls out of vogue, and then move on to whatever's next on the play list..

They don't know a thing about vaccines, pro or con. They're just a herd, being nudged along by a shepherd..
The complete inability for people to see what's going on here astounds me. I know more than one person who is fully vaccinated, but they merely refuse to give their status as vaccinated or unvaccinated as they feel it is a violation of their pirvacy.

Those who don't exercise their rights, lose them.

I've said this in another thread.

Have any of you ever considered that twisting people's arms isn't the most effective way to go about this? Especially given that vaccinated people still spread the delta variant. Maybe instead of treating people like children, if you let them die like adults, they may voluntarily want to do this.

At this point I refuse any booster shots until this nonsense is over. I have had two shots, and my father three.

No more for me at least, and even if I did... I would refuse to give my vaccination status just to exercise my right to not be compelled to do so.

Have fun authoritarians. Enjoy your restrictions forever.
Enjoy your restrictions forever.

Everywhere has fewer restrictions than Hawaii, just move.

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