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Vaccinated People Spread The Delta Variant, CDC Says
Oh, I can assure you... I'm very aware.

To satisfy the need for scientific evidence, feel free
Its a moving goal post always.
Now holding on to the last vestige of usefulness by saying that your not going to get as sick after vaccination.

I doubt that will hold on to be true for much longer either.
(10-28-2021, 04:54 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: Wearing a mask when you are symptomatic is not an apt comparison.
I have always wished people with colds or whatever would wear masks.

Unfortunately a large number of COVID cases are asymptomatic.  People carrying the virus wouldn’t wear a mask if they don’t think they’re sick.  Unless there’s a mask mandate, because as you pointed out, masks work.

Geez, you really just keep ignoring what I'm trying to say.

Of course, but there are differing probabilities of being contagious.

With the high vaccination rate, continuing to wear masks is just virtue signalling unless you actually want it to become the new normal as in masks indoors for everyone in perpetuity.

At some point it shouldn't always be the responsibility of those who aren't at much risk to keep protecting the extremely small minority of those who are at high risk and who really shouldn't be out and about in crowded spaces.

That is... unless you actually have good reason to believe you are currently contagious.

I don't feel it is my responsibility to have to protect everyone who I might enter into a public space with from anything I *might* be carrying forever and ever just because I'm breathing and speaking.

It's a different story though, if I *know* I am carrying something that could make others sick. Entirely different levels of culpability.

On the other hand, if I was entering a retirement home, or the home of someone severely immune compromised, I would gladly put on a mask for their sake, whether I was sick or not.

Diminishing levels of return for the same amount of waste... Cost-benefit analysis... How hard is this to understand?
(10-29-2021, 06:46 PM)AaronM Wrote: Back to the focus of this thread -

Vaccinated just as likely to spread delta variant within household as unvaccinated: study -

But we're now going round in circles. We've known from the beginning of this thread that vaccinated people can spread Covid. What's new? And, in the very link you provide, the conclusion is that more people need to be vaccinated so that fewer people suffer serious illness, hospitalization or death.

"Increasing population immunity via booster programmes and vaccination of teenagers will help to increase the currently limited effect of vaccination on transmission, but our analysis suggests that direct protection of individuals at risk of severe outcomes, via vaccination and non-pharmacological interventions, will remain central to containing the burden of disease caused by the delta variant."

As usual, we have the anti-vaxxer argument that relies on a medical study that actually says increased vaccinations are needed. It's nuts.

(10-30-2021, 01:39 AM)kander Wrote: Its a moving goal post always.
Now holding on to the last vestige of usefulness by saying that your not going to get as sick after vaccination.

I doubt that will hold on to be true for much longer either.

I'm sorry, but this is a ridiculous argument. No one has said you can't get sick after vaccination, but the evidence shows that vaccinations are very effective in preventing hospitalizations and death. Only you are moving the goalposts and I don't care what your opinion is about whether things hold on to be true, you are not an expert in the field whereas doctors and medical researchers are. Your opinion holds no weight.
"COVID shots more protective than past infection, study shows."

Sorry AaronM.
Not the topic of this thread Obie.

Again, for those in the back of the room or those with reading comprehension challenges - the topic is not vaccine efficacy. The topic is that vaccinated and unvaccinated both spread the virus equally.

Could you try to address the study that I posted that substantiates that you are just as effective at sharing the virus as I am?

Resorting to whataboutism is poor form.
(10-30-2021, 03:04 PM)AaronM Wrote: Not the topic of this thread Obie.

Again, for those in the back of the room or those with reading comprehension challenges - the topic is not vaccine efficacy.  The topic is that vaccinated and unvaccinated both spread the virus equally.

Could you try to address the study that I posted that substantiates that you are just as effective at sharing the virus as I am?

Resorting to whataboutism is poor form.

I addressed the study you posted and pointed out it said more vaccinations are necessary. It didn't address if you're more contagious than HOTPE. I also assume the comment about whataboutism was a self-effacing joke?
With the high vaccination rate, continuing to wear masks is just virtue signalling

Vaccinated people can still spread COVID. Maybe they spread "less" COVID than the unvaccinated, making masks "less" necessary, but "less" is still "greater than zero".

Entirely different levels of culpability.

Most USians lack the ability to exercise judgement, so leaving these decisions up to the individual is simply not how things are done, which is why we have mandates based on the lowest common denominator. How hard is this to understand?
... for those in the back of the room or those with reading comprehension challenges - the topic is not...

Or maybe it’s because the topic title doesn’t reflect reality, even in the quoted articles that supposedly support the thread title but don’t.  The solution may not be to pound a square peg (topic title) into a round hole (actual findings), but to adjust the title?

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