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Drive into boat harbor >>> Now hijacked to Gun Control thread
Bahaha ..I have watched all these so long ago .. Blind spot and snow roof are faves. Kicking myself now about that i should have dug that one out.

Yes !!

Happy you here with related YT context..its just perfect sometimes.
@Random:   "Google Maps used to direct those searching for the Planning Department on Kona side to a rooster farm down a steep road in Kealakekua. I always wondered if that was some kind of prank or what..."

I guess this is a possibility.  Google or whatever company owns the GPS service could intentionally lead you astray on purpose.  Especially if Google was payed enough by whoever this benefits.  I find it doubtful though.

Human stupidity never ceases to amaze me.  LOL, a big puddle!!  Yes I saw this when posting and that makes me laugh even more.  As already stated, what about the freakin' boats in the big puddle?  Of course there's the possibility the driver has poor eyesight or extremely low awareness of their surroundings but then I go back to my original statement that there needs to be system in place where your license gets revoked.  If you cannot see or are this unaware, you should not be on the road.  It is a danger to yourself and others around you.
(06-02-2023, 03:45 PM)Or1on Wrote: ... If you cannot see or are this unaware, you should not be on the road.  It is a danger to yourself and others around you.
hear! hear!

As for the other topic, I will bite my tongue and not address any of the incredibly illogical comments posted in this thread from the usual suspects.
From one news site about the Ocean View shooting: Allen was apprehended and police recovered a total of 23 firearms and various ammunition.  

And your question is, were the 23 guns legally purchased?

My question would be, do I want this guy for my neighbor?  Followed up by, what do police think about getting called out to a tinder pot like this?
(06-02-2023, 08:28 PM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: From one news site about the Ocean View shooting: Allen was apprehended and police recovered a total of 23 firearms and various ammunition.  

And your question is, were the 23 guns legally purchased?

My question would be, do I want this guy for my neighbor?  Followed up by, what do police think about getting called out to a tinder pot like this?
Excellent questions.

But in Hawaii County’s infinite wisdom, he has been “released, pending investigation.”
Why does the number of guns matter to you guys? It only takes one to kill. You can generally only operate one at a time. Not sure why the number 23 gets y'all riled up. I grew up in the countryside and owned my first firearm when I was 9 and by the time I graduated high school I had a dozen. Both of my grandfathers had more than 23 guns >clutch my pearls<. Gun control advocates would be well served to identify priorities and focus on those. I suggest starting with universal background checks, mandatory waiting periods and red flag laws.

The problem with the background checks is that many untreated mentally ill people pass those. Given the way our pathetically corrupt healthcare system 'treats' the mentally ill among us, they slip through the cracks. We should be identifying and treating these people before they leave school. Before they become half of our prison population. Before they become most of our homeless population. Before they pass a background check and their first visit with a Psychiatrist or Psychologist is behind bars.

If only we could convince the federal government to get back into treating and housing our mentally ill population. We need to figure something out because sending them to jail, letting them be homeless or hoping they don't get their hands on a gun isn't working.

Nah, screw that. Let's keep blaming the gun. The type of gun, the size of gun, the number of guns, etc. As long as we keep ignoring who it is who is committing these massacres, they will keep happening!

But nothing I just wrote matters because I am a gun owner and therefore couldn't possibly have any good ideas about gun control...
Well said AAron. Hat tip!
SARCASM is my 1st language. Cool
Not sure why the number 23 gets y'all riled up. 

I’ve heard there are television programs called Hoarders.  They’re about people who have way more of something than most other people have, and people will sit and watch this for half an hour because it’s so unusual, and they want to see if the people with hallways lined with newspapers and magazines, or walls of 23 cuckoo clocks or 23 1960’s Motorola stereo counsels, or 23 Siamese cats can explain why they’ve filled their house up with stuff most people can manage quite well with one or two.

There was a guy recently in Ocean View who shot someone with his car gun because it was handy.  Didn’t have to go get his living room gun or garage gun, but apparently that would have been better because the person he shot wasn’t really doing anything terribly wrong.  He’s up for murder charges now.  Two lives down the drain.

COMMON SENSE dictates that, the gun did not operate on its own.

The person who use the gun to shot someone with the intention to just kill was clearly a neuro-psycho mentally ill.

If you still have hard time to understand the obvious, I dont know what will.

RIP common sense!

Keep it coming,

K. bye.
SARCASM is my 1st language. Cool
If you still have hard time to understand the obvious, I dont know what will. 

Almost no one is shot in England or Japan.  Etc.  Common sense.  Clearly obvious.

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