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MK controversy thread
Hawaiian sovereignty will never happen. The US will never relinquish control of Pearl Harbor; itʻs just too strategically valuable. The US will also keep all of the islands just to prevent any other foreign country from trying to intervene, ie China. But empowerment can happen regardless of who is in control.
Certainty will be the death of us.
"So democracy is a fairytale, and an ethnic group rising up to take over a nation against the will of the majority is what you look forward to? I don't know about all that, man. Seems like some kind of sick racist fantasy, like "the south will rise again"."

That was my immediate thought when I read MyMano's post - with a slight "racial" twist:

At any event, I see a new protest about a planned development project at Punalu'u Black Sand Beach. My bet is yet another golf course, non-union built shoddy multimillion dollar ocean front homes, adherence to regulations and permitting a millimeter above the lowest acceptable norm coupled with a wink wink inspection process coupled with endless infrastructure promises that will never get built - while at the same time, the 600 million granted to DHHL will never get spent helping one Native Hawaiian and TMT will languish into obscurity.

And to this "occupying outsider" - I find that a bigger afront to Hawaiian Sovereignty, Hawaii Culture and the Hawaiian Race than anything.
Seems like some kind of sick racist fantasy..

Seems to me that you're forgetting the facts. It ain't racists anymore than the many host nations of the American mainland that are honored with their own autonomy, or more specifically semi-autonomous tribal lands. The really simple fact is the Hawaiians, and the native tribes of Alaska, are getting, when compared to the 'American Indian' nations, shortchanged. And that if anything, in our so-called system of justice, the US government has been dragging it's feet.

And besides, it seems to me you expect our rule of laws to be fixed, not moving, not changing with each new precedent set. As if there's no room for new challenges, that when met and proven to warrant it, laws change to accommodate. Which is a complete fallacy. As if Roe v Wade was set. It was, wasn't it?

No, if anything to make such blanket statement is to suggest, at least to me, fear in what might lie ahead. As if clinging to the racist card is some kind of shield.. some kind of protection from the reality you're immersed in. Which is fine.. I am sure nobody is going to bite.. but good luck with that. Seriously, we're not rocks, we're not fixed in stone.. and as I said, the Hawaiian nation is rising and I doubt there's anything anyone can do to stop it. 

If you're interested, a study of linguistics, and the power of one's mother tongue, would help you understand what's going on here..

At any event, I see a new protest about a planned development project at Punalu'u Black Sand Beach..

I suspect you've forgotten the history of Kau, and all the hoped for plans of development in the past, that have all, every single one of them, not happened. But hey, live and learn.
(03-12-2024, 05:28 PM)MyManao Wrote: Seems like some kind of sick racist fantasy..

No, if anything to make such blanket statement is to suggest, at least to me, fear in what might lie ahead. As if clinging to the racist card is some kind of shield.. some kind of protection from the reality you're immersed in. Which is fine.. I am sure nobody is going to bite.. but good luck with that. Seriously, we're not rocks, we're not fixed in stone.. and as I said, the Hawaiian nation is rising and I doubt there's anything anyone can do to stop it. 

You're from California, aren't you?

PS. Glad you edited your post to remove your misogynistic use of "Baby" when referring to HiloJulie. There's some hope left.
(03-14-2024, 08:10 AM)TomK Wrote:
(03-12-2024, 05:28 PM)MyManao Wrote: Seems like some kind of sick racist fantasy..

No, if anything to make such blanket statement is to suggest, at least to me, fear in what might lie ahead. As if clinging to the racist card is some kind of shield.. some kind of protection from the reality you're immersed in. Which is fine.. I am sure nobody is going to bite.. but good luck with that. Seriously, we're not rocks, we're not fixed in stone.. and as I said, the Hawaiian nation is rising and I doubt there's anything anyone can do to stop it. 

You're from California, aren't you?

PS. Glad you edited your post to remove your misogynistic use of "Baby" when referring to HiloJulie. There's some hope left.


I did manage to catch the "baby" reference before it was almost immediately modified by this poster and, as always, I chuckled. To quote his own words, I guess he needs to grow "a pair"

At any event, who else is better suited to proclaim the injustices of Native Hawaiians (which to be clear is important to acknowledge, discuss and understand) than a mainland haole transplant who became a Taro Farmer, an apparently self-funded Waipio Valley School Headmaster and volcano picture taker?
At any event, who else is better suited to proclaim

Although I have a hard time deciding if he’s more of a self appointed white savior, haole savior, or just gettin’ in on some cultural appropriation?

And the saddest part is you'll never understand that it is you, and your holier than thou attitude, your utter lack of humility, that is the reason the TMT is never going to be built here.

Though I am happy to see you've picked up a new pet. I wonder how long she'll last?
(03-15-2024, 07:17 AM)MyManao Wrote: TomK...

And the saddest part is you'll never understand that it is you, and your holier than thou attitude, your utter lack of humility, that is the reason the TMT is never going to be built here.

Though I am happy to see you've picked up a new pet. I wonder how long she'll last?

Quoted before you edit or delete the post. I note you didn't answer my question and once again show your misogyny. I also suspect most reasonable people won't conclude that I am the reason the TMT won't be built here.
(03-15-2024, 07:46 AM)TomK Wrote: most reasonable people won't conclude that I am the reason the TMT won't be built here.

Ah, but you, and all those that think like you, are. You can take that one to the bank brah. Your attitude, your sense of superiority, of entitlement, has kept you blind.. frickin' blind a bat to how you are the agent of your own undoing. You all did this to yourselves. It's sad. It's really sad. Especially when, like some are so apt to point out, the Hawaiians love astronomy. But allowing people with so little respect to desecrate their land.. not so much..
(03-15-2024, 07:47 PM)MyManao Wrote:
(03-15-2024, 07:46 AM)TomK Wrote: most reasonable people won't conclude that I am the reason the TMT won't be built here.

Ah, but you, and all those that think like you, are. You can take that one to the bank brah. Your attitude, your sense of superiority, of entitlement, has kept you blind.. frickin' blind a bat to how you are the agent of your own undoing. You all did this to yourselves. It's sad. It's really sad. Especially when, like some are so apt to point out, the Hawaiians love astronomy. But allowing people with so little respect to desecrate their land.. not so much..

Do you ever read your own spew?

Your words are the textbook definition of having a sense of superiority. Unfortunately, your self awareness of your own words go over your head at warp speed. 

I’m quite sure that not one Native Hawaiian would point to you as their spokesperson for any wrongs committed, either actual wrongs or perceived wrongs. 

The reasons for TMT not being built are numerous. Blaming the astronomers for its failure is as straw man and ridiculous as one can get. 

But as you have clearly demonstrated with your own words, you simply are in love with your own words and voice.

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