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Restrictions to continue! - Printable Version

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RE: Restrictions to continue! - 'elepaio - 11-29-2021

Try harder Tom

RE: Restrictions to continue! - TomK - 11-29-2021

(11-29-2021, 07:34 AM)elepaio pid= Wrote:Try harder Tom

How should I try harder? Write some nonsense that only you might understand?

Jeez, PW has been taken over by kooks.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - randomq - 11-29-2021

Vaccines have never been 100% effective. You guys get hung up on the weirdest details...

RE: Restrictions to continue! - Wao nahele wahine - 11-29-2021

And...like a big old breath of hot air, TomK is back.

Efficacy: the ability to produce a desired or intended result.

Definition courtesy of Oxford Languages.

eta - Efficacy is not a measurement. However, efficacy can be measured.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - Wao nahele kane - 11-29-2021

(11-29-2021, 06:57 AM)TomK Wrote:
(11-29-2021, 06:49 AM)Wao nahele kane Wrote:
(11-29-2021, 06:16 AM)TomK Wrote:
(11-29-2021, 05:31 AM)Wao nahele kane Wrote:
(11-29-2021, 01:21 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: So the data you saw is no surprise.

Especially the part about delta being a new variant,which according to the CDC was more than twice as contagious as previous strains. That would also cause a spike as shown in the charts.  In Hawaii there were plenty of cases spread within the local community.

What about local residents employed as service workers at resorts and high end restaurants?  Did they experience an exceptionally high number of COVID cases with their regular exposure to mainland tourists?  Did they spread the virus among other workers where they worked?  Were they are tested regularly and would the positive test results have shown up in the Hawaii DOH data?   Did any resorts or restaurants shut down during the spike because they had so many mainland guests with asymptomatic symptoms spreading it to local resort workers?  I don't recall that happening.

No, not a surprise. 
So according to your idea, the Delta variant mutation was created here in Hawaii and not brought in by people traveling here from out of state. Is that correct? Someone here miraculously created a mutation that exactly duplicated the Delta variant and it was passed on sometime in early October? The Delta variant had been in the mainlands USA for a few months prior to October 8 and somehow it teleported itself from the Mainland USA to Hawaii in early October? Does the variant have a spaceship it used?

Maybe we should rename the Delta variant in Hawaii then, how 'bout we call it the Menehune variant? Oh wait, you might be on to something, maybe it got here because the Menehune brought it here after visiting their relatives in Ireland, the leprechauns. Or wait, maybe the Leprechauns materialized here to visit their cousin Menehune. Am I getting warmer? It must be some scenario similar to the above, yes?

This has to be the most straw man argument in the history of straw man arguments.

(11-28-2021, 11:08 PM)Wao nahele kane Wrote: The fact the covid 19 vaccine has such low efficacy properties and a short lived efficacy against death [...]

Coming from the master of strawman arguments, that's a compliment.

There you go again with a straw man. Perhaps you don't understand the concept.
No Tom, I don't understand your idiotic inability to understand what a strawman is. 
A strawman is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a strawman". 
HOTPE essentially claimed the variant was not brought in by tourist because he didn't recall an increased infection rate of those working in the tourist industry. 
I addressed his claim directly by proposing a set of implausible but humorous ways the variant may have been introduced if not by tourist. 
That is not a strawman. A strawman would have been me responding to him by zeroing in on the CDC and discrediting some sort of situation completely unrelated to the discussion or if he had cited an article, attacking the author instead of the articles subject.
So I addressed the heart of his argument and was facetious about it.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 11-29-2021


Words can have multiple definitions, meanings, etc
Words can change meaning over time, without the change being conspiratorial, usually it’s through common usage
The same word can be a verb & a noun or other part of speech

Puna is a district in Hawaii AND a city in India.  I’ve been to both places and surprisingly they’re quite different!

RE: Restrictions to continue! - eightfingers2.0 - 11-29-2021

Variants: Why the CDC skipped the Greek letters nu and xi.

NU, because they didn’t want to name a variant that sounded like “new”.
XI, because they didn’t want to offend China.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - TomK - 11-29-2021

(11-29-2021, 07:49 AM)Wao nahele kane Wrote: So I addressed the heart of his argument and was facetious about it.

Yes, you did and used a straw man to do so. I'm glad you now admit your whole argument was facetious.

RE: Restrictions to continue! - HereOnThePrimalEdge - 11-29-2021

HOTPE essentially claimed the variant was not brought in by tourist 

Again, not what I said.  You said there was correlation and causation that the COVID spike in Hawaii corresponded to a change in rules for mainland arrivals, which is not bore out statistically.  I said that was less likely than the delta variant being 2X more transmissible. 

You asked earlier if you could clear anything else up.
Yes, if you’re going to argue with people posting here you could go back and clear up the changes you’ve made to comments from some of us, which you’ve altered to make it appear your points have more, what’s the word I’m looking for?  Efficacy? 

RE: Restrictions to continue! - Wao nahele kane - 11-29-2021

(11-29-2021, 08:06 AM)TomK Wrote:
(11-29-2021, 07:49 AM)Wao nahele kane Wrote: So I addressed the heart of his argument and was facetious about it.

Yes, you did and used a straw man to do so. I'm glad you now admit your whole argument was facetious.
Says the master of the strawman as he engages in strawman after strawman.
You now have a new nickname, Strawman.