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Stop the Bombing--Join the RIMPAC Protest!
Originally posted by Greg

Are you the Lincoln Park guy?

No, that guy (James G. Borden) would never use Hawaiian words, or write anything that long without threatening to kill someone or calling them a secret Muslim. He just took down the FB page of his "group", the American Patriots' Movement of America (no, I didn't make that up), but the Google cache still exists (the code here won't let me embed the link, but you can look it up). Anyway, his own page is public and bad enough:
Thanks for that link....I was appalled to see that some FB "friends" of mine with conservative leanings from the mainland are friends with him.
Sorry to remind people but many of these topics are covertly related.

Remember this headline from two months ago?:
Upolu spared Marine helicopter training, says final EIS
"Pohakuloa Training Area remains on the list in the final EIS."

And if you read the article, there were a lot more helicopters being added to the island. Pohakuloa is a lot closer to Hilo and Puna than Upolu. Noticed the helicopter topics?

B-2's are using Pohakuloa for bombing practice on their way to Guam. You can't see or hear them and the bombs are inert duds, precision dropped on Pohakuloa.

There was a Navy EIS meeting a couple months ago to expand test and training over the entire Big Island as well as around the whole coastline out to many nautical miles.

This is the fact. The US has drawn a red line in the Pacific Ocean, from the North Pole to the South Pole and basically told China, North Korea and Russia, thou shalt not cross. That's not working out that great.

There is going to be a massive move of the US military to the Pacific, mostly forward deployed (Guam), the next land mass is the Hawaiian islands. Oahu is spilling over big time, Kauai is suited for T&T, not ops. The BI has all kinds of op space. That is all.

*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*

Didn't realize how much live fire was going on at Pohakuloa during RIMPAC. They really light that place up. CH-53 in the background had to come in off a carrier. Cobras and Hueys are mostly from foreign military except black and spec op hueys. Video at link:
VIDEO: RIMPAC exercises at Pohakuloa, road alerts issued
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
Oh good. Maybe we'll eventually get a full commissary and Exchange in Hilo area. Yeaaaaaa


Ninole Resident
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Ninole Resident
"attempting to contain and defeat worldwide radical and murderous , fundamentalist Islam" Wow, Eagle sound like Bachmann, afraid of Islam or Muslims, or whatever. It's this unfounded fear of anyone different that makes murdering them OK.

Here's an eye opener fr. Larking Rose:

"An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped" Dr. Ron Paul 2012

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