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Steam Vent Question
What is going on with the steam vents? They are still there, thankfully (sarcasm). There is a 'no trespassing' sign, but the 'scenic point' sign is still there. What about the inn? I love that place!
Well, It has been a gay cruising, sex spot.. I will never come close to it!!

do you have issues with people having sex? lol. I have never seen anybody having sex there. I want to know who owns it, and weather or not we can still legally use it. Just looking for some info
The Owners had put the property up for sale not long ago and in order to do that probably the No Trespassing sign had to go up. Who wants to buy a piece of land that will have strangers visiting all of the time. Also the liability to that property is pretty high.....people slipping on the wet rocks and falling into the vents, one tourist died on the adjacent property (fell to his death), lots of trash and human waste left behind. So yes the vents are still there in what I would call a "limbo" status, waiting for a willing buyer. And yes the No Trespassing sign if still there means exactly that (stay out) vs. a possible trespassing charge.
BTW the older Steam Vent Inn property was purchased by a new Owner and should not be confused w/ the adjacent steam vent property.
What do you mean new owner? As far as I know, that place hasn't changed owners for at least the last ten years. I met one of the caretakers about a year ago and they have even been making improvements to the property. Don't know about any sex parties, tho'!
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Thank you TheodoreJay! Is the Inn and the vents owned by the same entity? I was under the impression the vents were at one time owned by the County? The Steam vents have NOT been improved upon. I wonder where exactly that person died. Nothing there seems THAT dangerous.
Steam Vent Inn is owned by an entity called "The Royal Bloodline of the Kingdom of David". The steam vent property to the south is owned by someone else (not the county), but I don't recall who right now.
Puna: Our roosters crow first

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