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Trade Winds Changing?
Hi everyone, this was an interesting article on a study done over the last 40 years about the direction of our trade winds coming from the East more than the North East.
Climate change is like watching a snowball forming at the top of a mountain from down at the bottom of a valley. At first, you can't see it, it seems too small to be of any significance and disbelieve there is any danger. The snowball starts rolling faster and increasing in size. The view then is to acknowledge it is believable but still of no size, speed, or threat, usually with the assertion "it happens all the time anyway". About 3/4 of the way down, the snowball has become huge and triggered an avalanche, with the sudden realization there is no way to get out of the way fast enough. The snowball is about half way down the mountain now.
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
One of the big potentials I have been studying is the Lawson Circulation cell...

It has been changing & there are researchers that think that the additional water vapor that is being added to the atmosphere may really change the cell circulation, and our whole trade wind cycle....

Not the best scenario for any of the Pacific islands, but ours may carry the brunt of total change, and coupled with the potential of migrating the inversion layer much farther upslope (or even off mountain & losing it....) would mean a real awakening for our water resources & planning...
It's blatantly foolish (not to mention disrespectful to the earth's peoples) for world leaders to not acknowledge, assess, and plan for this on a global scale. It's so sad.

And the $$ snowball rolls on . . .

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
Ahhh.... Global Warming! How ya liking it so far? I love the smell of CO2 in the atmosphere in the morning!

Nah! Just kidding man doesn't have any affect on the weather! Get back to bed! Wink

So Ted, ya think were past that tipping point? Half way is pretty much the point of no return unless we all stop burning fossil fuels. Even than it's a bit iffy... Try telling that to the 1% hell, try telling that to any American... Maybe we ought to have a new program ... Trade in your clunker not for cash but a BRAND NEW bicycle! HA! I wonder how many would take up that offer?

Well, until world wakes up, the jet stream is weakening.... No one knows whats going to happen but it's in the 60's in Oregon. From what I hear it's unusually warm across the nation for being a day away from November.

Let that snow ball roll on. Should be interesting over the next 5-10 years.
Less rain for Puna?? Oh the humanity.

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