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Washer Dryer Recommendations
I got my Bosch Nexxt 500 washer off Craig'slist for $100. Sometimes it doesn't spin the clothes out at the end. When that happens I run another short cycle until it does. That is why the previoous owner sold it and I live with the problem although it hasn't done that to me in a while. I leave the door open and the flap covering the detergent bin open so that they will dry. I have absolutely no problem with mold or rusting.

I keep mine indoors in the bathroom. Doing laundry is a comforting domestic ritual for me. I often do laundry at night although whenever possible I schedule it during maximum solar PV production so as not to tax the batteries. Nevertheless, if the mood strikes me I do laundry any time I want, shuffling around in my underwear and socks, so for me I greatly prefer having the washer indoors.

The bosch really wrings things out when it is working. I have worn clothes straight from the washer if it is early on a hot day.
Nostalgia moment. The old wringer washers. I used one for many years in Washington. I kept it out on the porch. When I would come home from work in the pulp mill the clothes went in there before I would go in the house. A little extra labor to use but complete control over how much water and the ringing out was not a big deal.
I wonder how one of those would hold up in Puna?
For just under a thousand bucks without shipping you can buy a Speed Queen wringer washer made in Saudi Arabia. Other than that I have only found old Maytags in good working order $500 and under on EBay.
The model E2LPS Oh well, it was nice to visit these great old machines.
I prefer LG, I have owned several sets and never had a problem with them ever. And I would definitely go with Propane, electricity is CRAZY expensive here.

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