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Looking for home to rent
I am looking for a three bedroom home for rent that is not a dump for $1050.00 I have an outside dog. The home would be for a family of six. Two adults and four kids. I have excellent references and am looking for something in The Hawaiian Shores or beaches area. If it is in the Shores preferably before the line.
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
Before what line?
The line. You know, the one you have to cross before you go into the HSRE property when leaving Hawaiian Beaches. Go down Kahakai, and take a right turn onto any road - you'll eventually find it..."the line"! I always make sure I have my ID on the ready to show after I cross that line! :-)
Oh the Snob line. Hahaha That's the line that the cops and ambulances won't cross too. Screw em! I'm waiting for the gates to go up next! Big Grin

I think they paint those lines so thieves know where to start kicking in doors! That's where the good stuff is! Wink I

Thanks for the laughs!
Yeah, when you cross that line, they bring their dogs inside.
I live in the area after the line and cant stand it there. Nothing but a bunch of elitist a$$e$! They think they own the area. I recommend never moving there and if you do make sure you are ready for your worst nightmare. Stay away from the older bunch. They have a sewing circle going on and if you don't want to be a part of it then they get bitter and vindictive and tell nothing but lies. Heaven forbid you just trying to be happy! ericlp, you hit the nail on the head with the "snob line". Lived pass the line for a few years and have had enough of these snobs and their rotten attitudes![xx(]
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
For some reason this just makes me want to hang around HSRE and see if they'll eventually call HPD. I wonder if their roads are "privately owned/public"?
They will not call HPD they will call the "Think I am a big shot President" after their commune meeting. They claim the roads are privately owned but not so sure how true that is. If anyone is thinking about sending their kids to trick or treat, think again, do not do it. These people are trolls under the bridge and think they are too good for that. Why not we all drive by the speed bumps on Halloween night and blast our horns. Tip- The President lives right next to the speed bumps so I am sure she will appreciate the Halloween trick!!

Originally posted by kalakoa

For some reason this just makes me want to hang around HSRE and see if they'll eventually call HPD. I wonder if their roads are "privately owned/public"?

Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!

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