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News of the Weird
I love reading News of the Weird. It's a weekly compilation of offbeat news stories from around the world. The following story from Pahoa caught my eye. It's so Puna:

Questionable Judgments
• Expectant North Carolina parents Adam and Heather Barrington (who is due in July) have disclosed that they will accept underwater midwifing from the Sirius Institute of Pahoa, Hawaii, which arranges for the mother to swim with dolphins pre- and post-natally. “It is about reconnecting as humans with the dolphins so we can ... learn from one another,” said Heather. Said Adam: “Dolphins are very intelligent and healing, which ... calms mother and baby. ...” Biologists writing for the Discovery Channel, however, reminded readers that underwater births are extraordinarily dangerous and that dolphins are “wild animals” that gang-rape female dolphins and “toss, beat and kill small porpoises.” Said another, the Barringtons’ plan is “possibly the worst idea ever.”
North Carolina? Probably from the Asheville area. Hillhippies (hillbilly / hippie) all over there.

comin' your way soon!
comin' your way soon!
Peter, way back in '05, at the early prelim. meetings for the Pona Development council, hubby & I went to a brainstorming meeting to help frame the direction of the PDC....

THis was a meeting where everyone (there were about 25 or so of us) generated ideas for the most important things we thought were needed in Puna over the next 25 years & then we prioritized the multitude of ideas into the top 5 that our group would send up by each choosing the top 5 each of us personally wanted...

Somehow, a Dolphin Birthing Center was one of the top 5 from our group... beating out improved roads, schools, hospitals/medical facilities, traffic lights, better public transportation, fire & police coverage....and many other ideas..

Thanks for bringing back a memory of some of our first awakenings into life in Puna!
Someone should print '' The Pahoa Enquirer ''
Yep,very WEIRD.
Find the Penn & Teller episode of their "Bull****" show on Showtime.


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