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Heartwarming Story in San Francisco
*Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with Puna, except that this is a human nature story of how we make dreams come true for little ones, keiki, stricken with cancer or other horrible diseases. Puna holds a lot of people who understand the meaning of "aloha", in the true sense, which also translates into basic human nature... no matter race, color or creed. Take care of each other, no matter the differences. Life dictates the circumstance; we decide the outcome.

Just wanted those of us in Puna to think about how we can do these kinds of things for our own people; especially keiki and kupuna, then, those in between (like us).

Brings tears to the eyes watching (there is a video of it on the link below) this child in his glory! Bless his heart, and may God (or whoever you believe in) take care of this child, and all of us.

Thousands of people are helping the Make-A-Wish Foundation transform San Francisco into Gotham City on Friday to make a 5-year-old boy's dream to become 'Batkid' come true.

Miles Scott has been fighting leukemia, but he's already won one battle; the cancer is in remission. The Make-A-Wish Foundation says that when they asked what would make his recovery easier, he told them he wanted to become a superhero.

The transformation became official last night, when a giant bat signal was posted on the side of a hotel in San Francisco, alerting Miles that the city would soon be in need of aid.

According to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Miles' day on Friday will begin with a breaking news story. San Francisco's Police Chief will ask if anyone knows the whereabouts of Batkid, saying the city needs his help to fight crime and capture villains.

Along the way, Batkid will ride in the Batmobile and face off against The Riddler, The Penguin and The Joker, rescuing damsels in distress and a famous San Fransisco mascot, before being given a key to the city by San Fransisco mayor Ed Lee.

To follow all of today's Batkid events on Twitter, use the hashtag #SFBatKid.

ETA: New Video and Pictures here:

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