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Daniel K. Inouye Highway Speed Limit

The speed limits on the new Daniel K. Inouye Highway make sense except for one segment. They've set the speed limit at 55MPH- except for three areas:

1. Near m.m 36 (PTA barracks gate)
2. Near m.m 40 on the western end of PTA
3. Near m.m 18 on the Hilo side

The latter doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. There is no good reason why it drops from 55MPH to 45MPH. Its in the middle of nowhere with nothing around. The highway speed should remain around 55MPH, but instead it turns out to be a speed trap area. I observed a undercover TEU officer pull over a vehicle yesterday in this area.

The other issue I see is drivers need to learn how to drive highways with a steep grade. For example, there was a line of six or seven vehicles stuck behind a slow driving SUV on the new Daniel K. Inouye Highway segment. The driver of this vehicle would slow further whenever there was a warning sign adding insult to injury. This caused the proceeding vehicles to pass -even when oncoming cars were coming.

I was able to maintain 55MPH by down shifting and turning off over drive on this segment.
I believe the area you are referring to near m.m 18 is a popular trailhead and the speed limit is reduced due to pedestrian traffic. It's not a very long stretch but it does have some of the worst visibility especially in the afternoon when its frequently socked in with fog and drizzle.

The 40 MPH zone between Mauna Kea park through just past the PTA gate is a triple whammy because you have the turn off to the only "rest area" (toilet) on the saddle and PTA right next to it, and I frequently see the remains of crushed animals in that area. I guess quadruple-whammy because there are always water trucks getting on and off the highway across from PTA. The road, exits, and turn offs are really good quality so I've never understood why it's only 40 through there. Seems like 45 would be slow enough.

The mm 40 area is a "limited visibility" issue because of the steep grade and hill. 45 is too slow IMHO, but I think its really wanting the people going 70 to slow down to 50.

That new stretch that just opened goes through some beautiful scenery. I agree the 40mph section is weird. A couple days ago we hit the thickest fog bank I've ever driven through on that section.
Originally posted by terracore

I believe the area you are referring to near m.m 18 is a popular trailhead and the speed limit is reduced due to pedestrian traffic. It's not a very long stretch but it does have some of the worst visibility especially in the afternoon when its frequently socked in with fog and drizzle.

The mm 40 area is a "limited visibility" issue because of the steep grade and hill. 45 is too slow IMHO, but I think its really wanting the people going 70 to slow down to 50.

Thanks for the information regarding the m.m 18 segment. I didn't realize there was trail that bisected that area, so that explains why the speed limit is lower.

As far as the m.m 40 segment, I drove through that area Saturday night. The fog was the thickest I seen in this area (from m.m 37-40). You couldn't even see the Bradshaw Airfield tower it was that thick.

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