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We have finally found a legitimate Kahuna and have scheduled the house blessing and topping off party for THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22.

The ceremony is scheduled to commence at 4 PM and we invite guests to arrive any time after 2 PM. The earlier you arrive, the more you get to help set up for this wonderful event. We will be roasting a large pig and sharing a feast following the blessing.

You are all invited.
RSVP 808 345 8440

This finally feels right. I look forward to sharing this joy with all of you who can attend.

Aloha and Mahalo
Pam Lamont
18-4160 N. Glenwood Rd.
between miles 19 and 20 off the Highway 11 between Mountain View and Volcano on the east side of Hawaii.

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Wish you well Pam e'la and am so sorry to be missing your house blessing.

That is .6 miles from HWY11 between MM19 and 20! Been there and the hospitality is the best!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Wish you well Pam e'la and am so sorry to be missing your house blessing.

That is north .6 miles from HWY11 between MM19 and 20! Been there and the hospitality is the best!

mella l

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

We will start building next year, and while I have lined up a Kahuna for a house blessing, I really don't want to look stupid/uninformed/disrespectful because I don't know the process.

When do you get the blessing? We are building a kit home, and the roof will go many months before the house is habitable. Should we get one blessing as we disturb the land, another when the roof goes on, and another when we move in?

Also, no one will tell me what adequate compensation to the Kahuna should be. I doubt cash would offend, but what price range?

Any details on the whole blessing process would most welcome.

I'm so happy for you and wish I were on the island next week to celebrate with you -

Hello Colleen! Congratulations.
My understanding is that you should have all three blessings... one for breaking ground, one for the roof going on (called a topping off party) and one before the house is inhabited.

Our Kahuna and I began our communication through a third party and I asked right away about compensation. He made it very clear that cast was a last resort, and that it is more appropriate to honor him with traditional items like salt and tea leaf, plus gasoline for his car to come here, and food to take home. I think it is good to be straight forward and ask well in advance.

Are you on island now? If so, please join us on the 22nd. You could take a little time and ask the Kahuna all your questions.

Aloha, Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Mahalo, Pam -

This is exactly the info I was looking for. Yay - 3 blessings!

Unfortunately, we're not on the island yet, or I would love to come and enjoy your blessing. I will be on a plane to South Dakota the 22nd (ack), so you can be sure I will be thinking warm thoughts of your good fortune - I'll toast you with an itty-bitty bottle of something!

Good morning Pam,

Just curious how the blessing went yesterday? I wish I could have been there but we were short handed at work yesterday and couldn’t get away. I hope there are photos to be posted for one and all to see along with one of your great narratives of the day.

Cathie and I are still going to get up to see you one day soon.

Hope the Lamont home is truly blessed at this wonderful time of the year,


Good Morning everyone and welcome to a new beginning!
Our blessing went really well. The Kahuna was marvelous. Pig was incredibly good. Friends were plentiful and spirit was grand. Thank you all for your support whether in presence or thoughts.

We were told that if we got a little rain on our day of blessing it was a special blessing on our house. It did indeed sprinkle just before the Kahuna began his ceremony, then it stopped for us all to gather on the lawn, go through the events and head for food. It rained a good shot as dark came again. Guess we are twice blessed!

Look for the Relocating to Puna II... I will continue the saga on this new thread.

Mahalo and Aloha. Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"

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