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Illegal Aliens are Arriving in Hawaii
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

edit; from "THE NEW COLOSSUS", Emma Lazarus
I love the sentiments on the Statue of Liberty. Makes me proud to live in a country where anyone, anyone who gets an education can make something of themselves - regardless of where they were born or what "class" they were born into.

@ Kelena - could not agree with you more. I'll be there with you waiting to help that child climb up the hil towards a more successful future, here in the land of immigrants.

And oh, lots of what is being said here, could apply to us - those people who landed here years ago illegally, without so much as a passport or a visa and took over, on this island of Hawaii. Today, most of us on this community board are all immigrants here, and the local population has accepted us pretty much with open arms. We come here, many of us, with no advanced skill set, and try to compete with those born here for local jobs, but that's okay - because we want to be here. We brought all sorts of pests, illness, and other unsavory things as well when we landed here on these islands and took over.

But i could be wrong, and now that i'm here - i don't want anyone else to come to Hawaii island. NIMBY! or Not In My NEW Backyard!
The O.P. is disgusting on this thread. Total B.S.

Native Americans are the only legal people in this country.

How did Hawaii become a state? How did California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Florida, become a state? How did America become America? Ill give you a clue, it wasn't Colombus. This is a nation built on illegal immigration.
i think the point is our country is broke. when immigrants came over at the turn of the century they pulled themselves up by the boot straps so to speak. if they had so much as a cold sore they were sent back. now they get food/housing/medical/ cell phones and apparently plane tickets to hawaii. who do you think is paying for this? how much do you pay in taxes? can you afford a plane ticket to hawaii? now think 60 thousand plus so far, with no end in sight. sure would be nice to save the world...but break america's back doing it... doesnt make one paranoid to think of the real issues here..
Originally posted by coastal

I love the sentiments on the Statue of Liberty. Makes me proud to live in a country where anyone, anyone who gets an education can make something of themselves - regardless of where they were born or what "class" they were born into.

@ Kelena - could not agree with you more. I'll be there with you waiting to help that child climb up the hil towards a more successful future, here in the land of immigrants.

And oh, lots of what is being said here, could apply to us - those people who landed here years ago illegally, without so much as a passport or a visa and took over, on this island of Hawaii. Today, most of us on this community board are all immigrants here, and the local population has accepted us pretty much with open arms. We come here, many of us, with no advanced skill set, and try to compete with those born here for local jobs, but that's okay - because we want to be here. We brought all sorts of pests, illness, and other unsavory things as well when we landed here on these islands and took over.

But i could be wrong, and now that i'm here - i don't want anyone else to come to Hawaii island. NIMBY! or Not In My NEW Backyard!

I am glad in the 1920's no one pushed my grandfather off the cliff. Although he worked at St Charles church in No Hollywood as the maintenance / janitor for most of his working life in the US, his progeny include doctors, police officers, engineers, a couple of lawyers, teachers, career military, one former asst to their County District Attorney, and nurses among a few.

In my perfect world, to solve the problem, the immigrant gets issued a ID card and SS card, and limited welfare services for 7 yrs.

This is pretty much what my grandfather went through. He never collected any welfare even though he had 10 children (who all did well and his 60+ grandchildren did well, and his many great grandchildren are doing well.) Six out of ten of his children went to college back in the 1930-50's (three were women who got married and raised their families).

So the immigrants are not the problem, it is how the US is handling it that is the issue.

ETA: I am glad no one pushed me off the cliff when I came to Hawaii 25 yrs ago. I was welcomed with Aloha.
Wonderful post Kelena.
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."

- John Kenneth Galbraith

Connie Roark
Oh boy. Please, let's keep this Hawaii/Puna in tone. If it is going to drift into national politics I will have to lock it down.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Sorry Sad

Connie Roark
Whalesong, it looks like Opihikaobob has cracked your password and is posting links to lunatic websites under your name!
Communist conspiracy, that's a good one.

I've always though that Puna would be well-served with more immigrants. People who don't mind working hard.

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