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Kind of F#$ked
Hurricanes follow me. Sandy followed me when I went back to CT for a year to run a store, and then Iselle here in Hawaii.

As I mentioned, I am NOT trying to downplay the struggles others are going through. I get it. I am not one of these people running up and threatening the workers to turn my power on first. If you remember I made a post about how terrible I think it is.

I am not asking for power first, or that I am more important than anyone else. Just venting that I am in a crap situation, that could be rectified pretty quick. Even if they cut the lines I could close. How long would that take ? 3-4 minutes ?

If it doesn't get done, it doesn't get done. I was just reaching to see if anyone had good ideas.

"If a problem can be solved there is no use worrying about it. If it can't be solved, worrying will do no good" Dalai Lama


So, when I was switching carriers from ATT to T0Mobile, ATT was refusing to unlock my phone, even though I paid my ETF's and such. I couldn't get anywhere on the lines, I called, my wife called, my mother who was on my account called, and we just kept getting this run a round of having to apply to get it unlocked and it could take weeks, etc...

I went on Twitter and blasted ATT, within minutes, someone messaged me on there, asked for my number, and helped fix my problem in a day.

Soo... I thought, maybe I will try to contact HELCO through Twitter. What do you know ? Within a few minutes I got a response, and yesterday they sent a team out and re ran the lines to the house, and voila, POWER !! Since I was their last stop, my wife brought them pizza and a couple cases of cold heinekien!

Moral of the story, social media is really really powerful!

I have power!! And everything worked out !!
So the lyric should be with Twitter,pizza and some cold heinie's most things I worry about never happen anyway. I had a feeling it would work out for you guys. Congrats. I expect to be invited to the house warming. Or at least a painting party

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