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Infrastructure improvements
BTW Punalvr... you gave yourself away. Lol, your goats out on the road again. Wink
Wondering that myself Rob !

Can already hear the warm tires hum.


Edit to add, warm
Hey punalvr,
Come on by, we're having homemade apple - pineapple pie.
"Makes me wonder if the Army has stashed some portable bridgework over at Schofield Barracks."

Like the M104 Wolverine deployable bridge? Carries 70 tons, but article doesn't mention the span. I was told 80 feet.
After the '06 earthquake, there was portable bridge spans deployed on 19, along the Hamakua Coast, so most likely there was some mechanism that the State/County could access the spans for the emergency bridge repairs. I have no idea if there is a reuse life on these things...or where it would be stored if there was...

Am not sure how/if Beach undercut could be spanned, though some here think that it not a big issue (over 1/2 the road bed undercut seems to be a big deal to me...but I have not done any roadway engineering, so the thought of underpinning a road bed to the side of a retreating shoreline with the pounding surf on those cliffs, just seems like a big deal to me... esp for an 'alternate' route...

and even if land is not taken for any easements ( if they do exist) , we must remember in this discussion that there could be many residents that may feel like they have been adversely effected by any alternate route choice....

Hopefully the immediate need for this will not happen & the lava will cease its' current path of potential destruction... and if we are spared the immediate need, we can work out a route that all can live with & support & not quibble about, but seeing some of the responses here... I am not sure that CAN happen...
My friend Tiffany Amberbanks, has the maps, and since the road goes down Pakaka, and has been brought up at every road meeting. It has been brought up in meetings since 2003. You must be a newbie.. I have been here since 1998.

Would not another logical choice for an emergency connector road be between Nanawale and Hawaiian Beaches?
Maybe come off of Mauna Kea Rd in Nanawale somewhere and connect over to Kahakai near the school?
Straight line from near the end of Kapuna is right at 1.0 miles and from end of Kehau Rd is 1.2 miles (which is the more logical choice).

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