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X Flares Continue, Ionosphere Disruption | S0 News

An interesting ionization event occurred last night(near Hawaii) of the atmosphere that was, "off the charts" .
Also shown, (HVO), is an explosive event occurring in what I assume is Kilauea crater.

FM radio reception at my house has been very strange for quite a while with apparent signal shifts resulting in cross talk on whatever channel I am on .
Radio reception on most of the local channels has been seriously degraded over the last 2 years - whats up with that?
You may need a new radio.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I was thinking maybe interference from the foil in his hat.

That explosion happened October 20th, it was already noted in the Lava Emergency forum.
It has nothing to do with sun spots or solar flares.
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

You may need a new radio.

Nothing wrong with the 4 radios that I have , so go figure - would like to hear from others on this-
By the way Rob , sorry about the misplaced location and as I was just going to change it when you did.[Big Grin]

Originally posted by PaulW

That explosion happened October 20th, it was already noted in the Lava Emergency forum.
It has nothing to do with sun spots or solar flares.

It was not my intention to suggest this - although I can see where I went wrong in the clarity of the post.
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

You may need a new radio.

good to see your sense of humor is still sharp Rob! mahalo!
Maybe that "cross talk" isn't on your radio.
Interesting that detractors never talk about the subject of the post, bur rather choose to be trolls.
Same ole same ole from the same ole same ole's. LOL.

The greatest obstacle to discovering

the shape of the Earth, the continents, and the oceans

was not ignorance

but the illusion of knowledge.
Daniel J. Boorstin
The biggest sunspot in 24 years released a X-class solar flare Fri. Oct.24-story here;

Sunspots and close Earth encounters with various space rocks,comets etc.,can be monitored here and you can sign up for alerts too. Check bottom of page for more links;

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