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"World Court"
I do not want to repeat this on each of the threads where posters keep throwing around the term "World Court".

The International Court of Justice deals with cases submitted to it by States Members of the United Nations and other States which have become parties to the Statute of the Court - which agree from the outset to abide by the Court's decision. The ICJ cannot impose its will on States - there is no means of enforcement.

Since "Hawaii" is not a member of the United Nations nor a State party to the Court's Statute, it would take a legal expert to say if there could be a way for the Court to accept such a case. Also, before it would take up the matter, the other party (the United States) would have to agree to abide by the judgment. Does anyone see that happening?

Please see the Court's official website: [upper left: The Court...How the Court works]

Does anyone see that happening?

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I just noticed that at least one poster has referred to the International Criminal Court.

From the ICC's website (

The United States is not a signatory to the Rome Statute, which created this Court.

Also, from the site's Frequently Asked Questions:

"The ICC, which tries individuals, is also different from the International Court of Justice, which is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations for the settlement of disputes between States."

Since I do not think that any who may have committed crimes during the overthrow are still alive, this is not a viable recourse.
Mahalo, Janet. That's about the gist of it. [Smile]

Response to your question: NO

Current cases on the docket ....worth the visit if you ever find yourself in the Hague for tourist and scholar alike
Yes, the United Nations is a pipe dream but the alternative is Divided Nations. It is a planetary vote for a planet of united nations versus a planet of divided nations. The citizens of Terra have voted to reject United Nations and head at light speed towards Divided Nations on a global scale. The citizens of Terra have spoken, so let it be done.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
If Hawaii became an independent country, who is going to put money in the EBT accounts of the hundreds of thousands of people who depend upon state benefits to survive? What prevents China from simply steaming into Pearl Harbor and welcoming the Kingdom of Hawaii as a new province of Greater China. Absent close association with the USA, an independent Hawaii would be a place where starvation and chahos stalked the land. This whole issue of sovereignty and rights of royalty is a childish pipe dream.


You can't fix Samsara.

Hear, hear.
sales tax Lease payments for the basses, telescopes and airport use fees ... may cover the ebt.... what is the nut 7200 a year per family?.. really not enough to live on, needs to be increased to the VA standards... .....The folks at the V.A.disability trough do much better. Bottom line there is more than enough tax base to cover those in need (V.A. entitlement 2016 budget is 168 billion with a b)

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