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Originally posted by Obie

Because the board has a statement posted that HPPOA is the only place to post official buisness.

The US president is free to tweet. I find it hard to believe that someone can't post their opinions on social media because someone claims they are part of the HPP board. If that's the case then it's very disturbing. On the other hand, if mermaid is involved in ongoing legal action, I understand her silence on PW.
Reni, i for sure wasnt dissing her. I applaude just the fact that she has helped us keep up to date on what happens in hppoa as well as all the hours she has volunteered. I also
Applaud that she may now be part of the soulution and would love to help her work from within to make positive changes.

I wish her the best.But I dont expect to see any positive results comming from hppoa any time soon. I hope she is not embroiled in the hppoa litigation. I would vote for her.
Who else can now step in to keep us informed now?

Can someone start a new hppoa part 2 so we dont have to try to spin down 69 pages please?
Thanks again for keeping us updated

Dan D

Aloha Dan,
didn't think you were dissing her, just making light of the situation.
But, It's the situation that needs to be taken seriously for any change to happen, right?

Mermaid is doing what I have done in the past but am no longer willing to do because of the apathy of others. Although most do not even realize, It can be very undermining . So, she's my rep here in HPP and I know she would welcome analytical support (not rescuing her feelings) from any district.
My2cents..." Point being that reporting on a public forum what happened in a public meeting shouldn't be an issue as long as it's accurate. If it's in the bylaws that's one thing, but if it's just the board trying to limit information then it should be ignored."

HPP has bylaws and policies. I remember a past Board attempting to pass a policy disallowing current board members from posting board business on blogs. I thought it was voted on and passed. If it was, it stands until revoked. If it's just a "statement" as Obie suggest, than it can be ignored----------------------

and Dan D. asks,
"Who else can now step in to keep us informed now?
Can someone start a new hppoa part 2 so we dont have to try to spin down 69 pages please?" about you? Smile
As you may remember, Mermaid and I did some serious disagreeing here. Here's the thing. Once she realized that she had judged and defended incorrectly she has fought tirelessly to get things on the right track. I know that it has been unpleasant and lonely. Reni is right. I too was involved before my circumstances changed to me only living here part time, and the people willing to obstruct always outnumber the ones willing to stay and fight the good fight. The apathy is our downfall and their ally. I have since learned that our road fees will continually go up and up and up because our roads have been intentionally neglected so badly that it will take an unfathomable amount of $ to repair. Our roads are crumbling. I guess, that people will only care when it is to late. This GM is not qualified. Who knows his qualifications? He is spending and wants to spend lots more and our roads are literally falling apart. Everyone just throws up their hands and goes to a movie instead.
a past Board attempting to pass a policy disallowing current board members from posting board business on blogs. I thought it was voted on and passed

Wasn't the original problem "the Board ignores its own rules"?
Please continue the discussion here (Part Two):

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