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"wrong location"

1. Note similarity of arguments:

Hydrocarbon pollution like fumes, oil and other toxic runoff is an inevitable by-product of motor sports that would endanger the park’s nearshore water and air quality. Night time racing is on the table, meaning that extreme lighting could scar starry skies in an area planned for camping and disrupt bird and sealife dependent upon natural cycles of light and dark. Stunning, culturally significant viewplanes would also be undermined by industrial-style development directly upslope. Along with known threats, other negative impacts on humans and the environment could occur.

2. "Find another location"

why not focus on a location that doesn’t pit neighbor against neighbor

(However, we won't suggest any -- but we reserve the right to object to your next picks, too.)

3. "Smart growth" (whatever that is), and be sure to mention Ceded Lands

there are more compatible uses of those ceded lands. Culturally, environmentally and "Smart Growth" appropriate ideas ... Akamai possibilities are vast, exciting and feasible on what are largely public lands.

4. Punchline: County is still building parks people don't want, while ignoring community-driven projects that clearly state what they do actually want.
Welcome to Hawaii County! Where we are NOT building it and we hope you do NOT come...

Another set of outright lies and fabrications, too, by the "anti" group. Seems to be the way all protests are now ran.
I just can't get over this one piece:

other negative impacts on humans and the environment could occur.

Outlaw drag "sideshows" on residential streets would seem to be a "negative impact" that definitely "could occur" (and would easily include "pollution like fumes, oil and other toxic runoff"). So much better if it stays illegal, because HPD will totally enforce those rules.
So sorry. I'm simple, and sarcasm sometimes escapes me.
A drag strip in Kekaha Kai (or really anywhere outside of Alabama maybe) seems like a really bad idea.
I'm probably missing an important angle...

If you do not provide a place for the racers to race they just race on the highway and crash into you and yours...
anywhere outside of Alabama maybe

At least that's a suggestion of some alternative location -- which is more than the "anti" did.
Originally posted by lavalava

Welcome to Hawaii County! Where we are NOT building it and we hope you do NOT come...

And leave your money at home. It's not needed here. We are all happy to be uneducated, backwards, welfare state.

When you land please fill out the forms immediately to apply for food stamps!

Just be lucky target got in before we had the chance to ban it.

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