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New lava flow breakouts
Two new lava flow breakouts yesterday, one heading south east and one heading north west.

"Around 6:50 a.m., in concert with sharp deflationary tilt at Pu'u 'O'o, two lava flows broke out from the flanks of the cone. One is on the northeast flank, approximately 250 m (0.15 mi) from the rim of the cone, heading toward the northwest. The other flow is on the east flank of the cone, approximately 500 m (0.3 mi) from the rim of the cone, heading toward the southeast. At around 8:30 a.m., during an HVO overflight, the flow on the northeast flank was roughly 1 km (0.6 mi) long, and the flow on the east flank was around 700 m (0.4 mi) long, but neither has extended beyond the existing flow field. Typical of new breakouts, the initial flow activity has been vigorous, but neither flow is currently threatening any nearby communities. The floor of Pu'u 'O'o crater has subsided slightly with the new flow activity. Persistent glow from spatter cones within the crater continues."
Here we go again. New flow, new Dengue strain, and hurricane season just around the corner. Never a dull moment in the heart of creation!
This new activity may be a "reset" since the flow(s) seem to be very near the cone and far away from the recent lava advance. Does anyone know if the previous flow front is still active?
This is an interesting and possibly positive development. It's nice to see that the relentless destruction of the Ohi'a forest has abated for a bit. The Northern breakout could move in to destroy forest land in the Kahauale'a forest reserve or possibly continue to curve around the flanks of Pu'u'o'o and eventually flow down toward the ocean. The Southern breakout would likely continue down to the ocean if it doesn't get stopped up before then. We'll just have to see how this all develops.

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,
Originally posted by dakine
or possibly continue to curve around the flanks of Pu'u'o'o and eventually flow down toward the ocean..

Due to topographic features that is virtually impossible. Any flow in this area would eventually swing around the North side of Puu Oo and head East. Once you get off the Puu Oo edifice it's pretty flat, relatively so, by still is sloping to the East.

Thanks for the clarification. I've never walked out that far (and down wind of Pu'u'o'o) That gas cloud scares me.

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,
The most recent map is a photo and doesn't show the "blue lines" but if you overlay you can see the southern flow appears to be going on the edge of last flow. The nearest blue line heads to Pahoa again.
Originally posted by dakine

Actually that side of Puu Oo is much more defined. Has a greater slope than the North. I believe where the leading edge of what HVO is calling the Eastern Breakout is located (on the 'map' photo) is already committed to a path that would take it to the South in the direction of the Eastern side of Royal Gardens or Kapaahu.

I was switching between the topo view on google Earth and the map on the website and I agree with dakine on this one.
You're both right. The new map is out. There are no blue lines near the eastern flow because they got covered.
Mahalo, SBH. Trust all is well with you and your ohana. Aloha to you. The footage is fantastic! Tutu Pele always reminds us where we are, who we are, and provides such a reminder of "presence".

The scientific analysis is quite interesting, given the history of past flows. Knowing it can turn "on a dime", as it were. Mahalo to all for the opinions on this breakout. Fortunately, personal experiences lend balance.

On that note, Dakine, mahalo for sharing your knowledge. Much appreciated. Going to get the "cocoa and craka" ready! [Smile]

Aloha mai, e Tutu, aloha mai.


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