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Just burn the trash to make energy
Yes, but the article says that these plants only "exasperate" existing respiratory conditions. They cost a lot of money too.

Let's build one Kona side.
HELCO talked about burning trash but backed off when Mayor Billy wanted to charge them for the trash
We could solve a bunch of problems at once by capping the vent with a scrubber stack (cleans the air, removes VOG), using it to burn trash (no more dump), and generating electricity (cheaply!).

I assume the protectors wouldn't like that plan.
We could solve a bunch of problems at once by capping the vent with a scrubber stack (cleans the air, removes VOG), using it to burn trash (no more dump), and generating electricity (cheaply!).

I assume the protectors wouldn't like that plan.

Why is that? Do they not have trash?
Originally posted by Lee M-S

We could solve a bunch of problems at once by capping the vent with a scrubber stack (cleans the air, removes VOG), using it to burn trash (no more dump), and generating electricity (cheaply!).

Good luck with your EIS on that plan...
Don't know about your EIS statement, works fine and passed an EIR plenty of places. Mostly steam is all that's left leaving the stack with the "afterburners" in the exhaust stack.

Community begins with Aloha
Meanwhile we export biofuel pellets to Asia because hawaii can't use them.can't burn garbage.. can't burn biofuel..what the heck good is the power company.
we're stifled by regulations. maybe Trump is on to something ..
This is encouraging.

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