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Virtual visit
Maybe I'm a slow learner, but I just learned a new way to make a virtual visit to my Puna home and neighborhood. Google maps has a satellite button that allows one to see an area, a neighborhood, and even a pretty good close-up of an address. By moving in and out, it also has given me a much better idea of the proximity to the coast, and to the lava flows which show up nicely. I feel a little closer to home. We will be full time residents by the end of February!
Don't forget about Google Earth.

The Big Islands "footprint" is not that great, However, I can see my car in detail if I look at Honolulu!

Scary, Big Brother is out there! I'm just glad these pictures aren't live. I think that might be pushing privacy rights a bit.

Coming home soon!
What a fun way to check out my property! Of course I tried to zoom in on the beach at Kehena to see if anyone was sunbathing, [:p]but I couldn't get that high a resolution[Sad]

Rob L
Rob L
Damon,, You would be sick in your stomach if you actually knew what was possible at this point. You can zoom down with certain vehicles to see a coin on the ground and see if it's "heads or tales". After the military took over NASA, the new objective has been domination of "near space". This means developing "hunter killer' platforms that ensure near space dominance and exclude other nations access.
The real eye opener is "kinetic energy weapons". Platforms in near orbit will deploy(drop), a telephone pole sized tungsten steel rod at targets on the surface of the earth. I've seen credible reports and analyzed collected data on the project. You can run scenarios on mainframes all day but will never actually get "real life" data. The "data" I saw was from a completed test of the system. The stealth bomber is actively involved with "K-weapons" as well. As you may well know, test of "Inert" munitions drops are being conducted in Hawaii as we speak. These are field test for "K weapons". With basically the entire state of Nevada to drop bombs and test, why would the stealth need to train in Hawaii? These are practice missions which allow the pilots to have real time flight missions, as opposed to simulators when dropping "K weapons". The beauty of "K-weapons" is the impact energy is similar to "A-bombs", but without the nasty side effects of using nukes. The most challenging part of the design is "steering" the pole into the target once it has been released. Designs call for laser guided or a retro-rockets fired to place the pole dead on target. Thers a video on Youtube that shows a bridge in Iraq being destroyed with a "K-weapon", check it out. I dont know from which platform the weapon was launched or dropped from but the result was favorable. Don't get me started with infrared and the HARP.

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