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dispensaries: one year later
Dispensary licenses were issued a year ago.

While Hawaii has been busy keeping the dispensaries from opening, Oregon is actively building a weed tourism industry:

He envisions his campers lighting up in their RV or tent sites, or inside a 20-by-40-foot "community center" on the property. He also plans a stage for concerts and other events, and custom tepees, massages and yoga.

It's marijuana-friendly because state law allows marijuana use on private property.

Tourists are a diverse lot. Some would come specifically for weed tourism, others would avoid that area as they would see pot smokers as "drug smoking dirtbags." With that said, I'm all for it, of course. I still don't know where to go to get some pakalolo. I've been told that there exists a place where the weave of the universes runs thin, where sorcery is still strong and spirits step into our world for a time. A place known only as the Magic Sands, so called because the sand itself will disappear, and then reappear, according to it's own whim. I've never been to Magic Sands so I can neither confirm nor deny.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
Some would come specifically for weed tourism, others would avoid that area

Simply give resorts the option, all-or-nothing per property. That way, people can stay at a resort that fits their sensibilities. I realize this is far too simple for our State officials.
No one needs the dispensaries except the government and their cronies. You can just about walk 50 feet* and buy some from a passing hippy or soccer mom here. And cheap! How much is a z in Oregon?

* Restrictions apply, puna mauka residents may have to walk 871 feet or more.
ummm, yeah, here you can get some walking by a hippie ...

I'm thinking when you said "z" you mean an OZ? An ounce?

Well, it can be anywhere between 150-200... Depending on the THC level, like walking the dog is about 200 an ounce. But, for that 200, you getting the finest weed at about 30% THC level, and with no stress or worry about cops or wondering if you getting even "REAL" weed... Or setup for something else.

In oregon, you got a counter with a number of different flavors and strains. It's just simply amazing and they are on almost every street corner. There are probably more weed shops than there are mcdonalds and 7-11's put together.

Not only are you getting the "REAL" deal........ But... It's safer, with that has been tested and no pesticides etc...etc.... Here? Not so much...Who know what the hell you are getting... I can only tell you, that whenever I bought weed here, I've never had anything close to the quality that oregon is producing. Here you are lucky to get 10% thc at best.

I think if you wanted to get your own stash here and you lived on a lot bigger than an acre, growing a few plants might be your better option. Shrug. Personally, I have friends on the mainland that fedex has no problem getting me what I need.

Originally posted by ericlp

ummm, yeah, here you can get some walking by a hippie ...

I'm thinking when you said "z" you mean an OZ? An ounce?

Well, it can be anywhere between 150-200... Depending on the THC level, like walking the dog is about 200 an ounce. But, for that 200, you getting the finest weed at about 30% THC level, and with no stress or worry about cops or wondering if you getting even "REAL" weed... Or setup for something else.

In oregon, you got a counter with a number of different flavors and strains. It's just simply amazing and they are on almost every street corner. There are probably more weed shops than there are mcdonalds and 7-11's put together.

Not only are you getting the "REAL" deal........ But... It's safer, with that has been tested and no pesticides etc...etc.... Here? Not so much...Who know what the hell you are getting... I can only tell you, that whenever I bought weed here, I've never had anything close to the quality that oregon is producing. Here you are lucky to get 10% thc at best.

I think if you wanted to get your own stash here and you lived on a lot bigger than an acre, growing a few plants might be your better option. Shrug. Personally, I have friends on the mainland that fedex has no problem getting me what I need.

What? seriously? [Sad] I've heard all my life that Hawai'ian weed is the best in the world. I think you're underselling the pakalolo a bit, because I can't seem to find any labs that can verify 10%. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Oregon weed is a lot more consistent. I bet I could find 15-20% weed in Hawai'i, but I also bet I wouldn't be able to find 30% unless I went to Maui or Oahu, or found the Mr. Miyagi of weed on the Big Island.

I've lived in Cali most of my life, I've never been set up or had to wonder if I was buying real weed. The quality of weed here in Cali depends on the quality of your source. These seem like logical characteristics that Hawai'i would share, given what I've read about the lack of police enforcement, and the decentralized nature of the cannabis market. My house in Hawai'i has no open land for growing, the house takes it all up. it's 2,256 square feet though, so there might be room indoors to grow a few plants.

Getting 30% THC weed for 200 bucks is... well, you would have the best hookup in the world, or one of them. If you actually get 30% THC... which is at the very top of what is possible for a plant to produce... for 200 dollars an ounce??? That's a Snoop Dogg level connection. You could go Kid Cannabis with that and make some serious dough.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile
I can't seem to find any labs that can verify 10%

Neither can the State. It's one of the reasons dispensaries aren't open yet.

there might be room indoors to grow a few plants.

At HELCO rates, which will make the dispensaries too expensive (if they ever open).
I have been buying 'container weed' since I got here. Not enough decent strains or educated growers locally for my taste. Deliveries are like clock work, and for once, lack of enforcement is in my favor!
Here is an article about 'Power of the Pot Business.'

Disclaimer: I have no personal interest in any of these issues.

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