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BBC Documentary on Hawaii Homeless
2017 Homeless rate is actually down slightly now.

MarkD, again don't forget that a lot of the homeless are from the mainland and south pacific islands too. It's not a race specific problem. And many of them don't want to live in apartments or housing either.
So should Europe have special grants and reserved lands for people of European descent, to preserve their culture from being overrun by people of different races and cultures? If not, why is it a good idea here?

Homelessness and class immobility affect us all, lets solve it together.
From Eric:

"MarkD, again don't forget that a lot of the homeless are from the mainland and south pacific islands too."

You are right, Eric. I had put that in and then deleted it because it segues into another point: We need to treat native Hawaiian and other local people, i.e., born and raised here, differently than the "recently off the boat" in terms of dispensing free housing, IMO.

I wasn't sure I wanted to get into a big debate right at that moment, but now I guess topic is on the table.

Maybe this is not super controversial. OK, let's give housing to the island folks who have come to Hawaii from the south, but if it is open knowledge on the mainland that you can come to Hawaii, get "homeless" and then get free housing--Well, I think we can all see the problems with that.

So some residency requirements on free housing here, if the money comes from the state (as opposed to the feds [Section 8]). JMO.

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