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HPP Special Board. meeting 8/24/17
We just noticed an announcement last night of a (undoubtedly) very Special BOD Meeting scheduled for 9 am today.
According to Agenda, nothing is scheduled but adjourning to Executive Session.
Does anybody know what this is about?
There is nothing mentioned about the reason for meeting or subject matter .

Something must have shaken up the people in charge here, as Maku'u has suddenly had the weeds mowed to the power poles, and I just came home to a mowed road, all the way to power poles which hasn't happened in years. What's next? Aggregates on the
dirt roads, striping, reflectors, signage? Dare I suggest the paving we're all paying for?

Kenny, I was told that on the FB page the new BOD Secretary said it was about DOH and about a new "complaint" that has been made. Since the agenda on the HPPOA website did not say what they were in Executive Session for i.e. legal or personnel, we can only guess. We know that at the regular board meeting Aug. 16 that they went into exec. session immediately to discuss the DOH situation with the attorney. So maybe, they had to meet in a special BOD meeting this soon to make a decision from the attorney's advice or meet with the attorney again.
Speaking of the last BOD meeting, I was told that a member spoke during his 3 minute owner input and gave a really powerful speech (with printed copies to the board) about his 40 years experience on this island building roads and every thing associated with roads, including his supervision of the building of HWY 130. He then told the board that the chip seal project in HPP is, and I'll paraphrase his 3 minute statement into three words, an unmitigated disaster! Nothing about it was done correctly... nothing. He asked the board who will be responsible for covering the costs of fixing the miles of shoddy work. He asked who warranted the work? It has to be warranted!
Of course we know the work isn't warranted and many people are asking if we even have a signed contract and who signed it?

I have been told that this board may be in the position to be renewing the contract soon for what they are calling "Phase 2". I urge the board not to go forward with any new chip sealing until all the questions and legitimate concerns have been addressed. None of the current chip seal project business was done legally, professionally or in the light of day. All of it was done behind closed doors and with out any vetting by the Membership's Finance Committee.

If anyone who was at the last board meeting has any thing to include for clarity purposes please comment.
The road professional did give a powerful 3 min owner input which probably shook up some of the reps who've been a part of the chip seal agenda, who are still sitting on the board today, and a couple former reps were present in the peanut gallery. Although this person's words echoed what watchdogs had questioned boards over the last 2 1/2 yrs since the chip seal agenda began in HPP and ignored, this time was different because we have 5 brand new people on the board who have shown to be bylaw followers, and appear not to have a stance one way or the other about chip seal so far. The majority of the main pushers of chip seal aren't on the board any longer. The brand new reps inherited this mess and they have my sympathy as it's a pretty big mess that will entail careful decisions after doing their research before they know how to proceed for the best interests of HPP. They're taking their jobs seriously.

The DOH fine had become intertwined with chip seal by the previous board as chip seal was supposed to be the new proposal to mitigate dust in HPP after the fine was issued....per the GM and former reps reports at board meetings earlier this year. Now that the chip seal failing roads has been brought to the forefront recently, the board obviously has some big issues to deal with.

There's only 1 layer of chip seal on all the roads....and appears it was set up for failure from the word go. Anyone who's done their research knows you don't put 1 layer of chip seal down and expect good results, so the question is how did this happen? The foundation of the roads are another problem which could mean that the chip seal needs to be ripped out (at some point in time). This description was given by someone who lives on one of the newly chip seal roads.."the road is moving". Putting a second layer won't help a road who's foundation is the issue. The road professional spoke about ratio of oil and chips when describing why the chip seal roads are failing.

There's been no professional engineer involved during the chip seal project. When watchdogs asked about engineers and contractors over the past 2 1/2 yrs, one of the former reps who resigned in Jan 2017 (due to the impending district recall), claimed she was the engineer....she told a lot of people she had a civil engineering and electrical engineering degree....and said the contractor is the GM.

The board announced the exec session held before the last board meeting from 6-7:30 PM was to meet w/HPP's attorney about the DOH fine. I've heard the DOH fine was ultimately issued because minimum efforts by the past 3 boards to stop fugitive dust weren't taken as our current condition w/no gravel on the roads has/will generate fugitive dust. The DOH inspects roads when there's a complaint. This is our first DOH fine ever and it would seem fair to conclude it's because there's no gravel on our roads.
P.S. HPP does have bylaws and a Corporate Policy that directs the board with what exactly they're required to do for business contracts which does no good if the majority boards from Apr 2015-Jun 2017 chose to disregard them. Accountability?
Thanks government, fining a non-profit will certainly help keep that dust down.
Randomq, the DOH didn't create the dust issue, it was the lack of proper road maintenance by the previous boards and the, and I'll be blunt, incompetent and dishonest GM that created that problem. As well as past board of directors and the 4 remaining current directors who are still chip seal stalwarts. They are wholly culpable for this fiasco that will end up wasting hundreds of thousands of our dollars, which in the recent past would have gone into road maintenance hence; no DOH involvement.

Keep in mind this important fact; these miscreants have also keep the Association in the dark by obfuscating the facts through deception and lies. One of the main tactics they used was the complete neutering (although spaying was involved in one members case) of the Association's Finance Committee, which is the eyes and ears for the Association in all matters concerning finances AND contracts.

Although I would normally have sympathy for your sentiment, in this case, it is misplaced.
"Thanks government, fining a non-profit will certainly help keep that dust down."

This non profit is REQUIRED to follow the Federal, State laws and the Board of Health is REQUIRED to follow thru with complaints and uphold Federal, State laws.

Why is this so hard to understand?

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