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Columbus Day Closures??
Is the Pahoa Community Center/Pool closed on Mon for the holiday?
I would assume not...all other County offices are open for business.
What? A holiday that the county workers don't get? Somebody call the union!
The Pahoa pool is open tomorrow, Monday 10/9, for Columbus Day (if they don't have a staff shortage!!, a real problem at times lately).

It will be closed the next day, Tuesday, for the monthly maintenance and fire ant treatment.

Love that pool! So grateful to have it.
Dory - can't speak for federal facilities, but generally, Columbus day is ignored in Hawaii. I believe back in the late 80s, it was dropped as a Hawaii holiday in favor of having a holiday on Martin Luther King Jr Day instead.
Thank you all!
It was never called Columbus Day in Hawaii. We knew it as "discoverers" day growing up. This was the day we celebrated Capt. Cook, Columbus, and all other discoverers who brought great blessings and "discovery" to native peoples around the world.

And Tom K.....please don't float untruths. Adopting "Martin Luther King day" instead of Columbus day is simply not true.

Perhaps Columbus day may have meaning to Italians, Portuguese, and other catholic heritage countries with a discoverer/crusader/murderous history. But for most native peoples, it is just another day to remind us of "how much better we got it"now.
Originally posted by 2liveque

And Tom K.....please don't float untruths. Adopting "Martin Luther King day" instead of Columbus day is simply not true.

My recollection is consistent with TomK's - back in the 80's there was a big push to make MLK day another (paid) state holiday and the political deal made was to "trade" Columbus/Discoverers Day for MKL Day.

"Discoverers' Day, the second Monday in October, began as Columbus Day, a holiday established by the 1969 legislature, effective in 1971. It received its present name from the 1971 legislature.
Although still recognized as a "day," it was downgraded in 1988 (effective the following year) to nonholiday status to make way for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day" (damn that google...).

Perhaps Columbus day may have meaning to Italians, Portuguese, and other catholic heritage countries with a discoverer/crusader/murderous history.

Do you mean like when the Tahitian ancestors of today's Hawaiians came to Hawaii and wiped out the descendants of the original Marquesan discovers of these islands?

Originally posted by geochem

Originally posted by 2liveque

And Tom K.....please don't float untruths. Adopting "Martin Luther King day" instead of Columbus day is simply not true.

My recollection is consistent with TomK's - back in the 80's there was a big push to make MLK day another (paid) state holiday and the political deal made was to "trade" Columbus/Discoverers Day for MKL Day.

"Discoverers' Day, the second Monday in October, began as Columbus Day, a holiday established by the 1969 legislature, effective in 1971. It received its present name from the 1971 legislature.
Although still recognized as a "day," it was downgraded in 1988 (effective the following year) to nonholiday status to make way for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day" (damn that google...).

Perhaps Columbus day may have meaning to Italians, Portuguese, and other catholic heritage countries with a discoverer/crusader/murderous history.

Do you mean like when the Tahitian ancestors of today's Hawaiians came to Hawaii and wiped out the descendants of the original Marquesan discovers of these islands?

Yep. Just like that. F Columbus. And F Paao too. My point addresses all murderous pirates. And your point is?
Originally posted by 2liveque

Perhaps Columbus day may have meaning to Italians, Portuguese, and other catholic heritage countries with a discoverer/crusader/murderous history.

Do you mean like when the Tahitian ancestors of today's Hawaiians came to Hawaii and wiped out the descendants of the original Marquesan discovers of these islands?

Yep. Just like that. F Columbus. And F Paao too. My point addresses all murderous pirates. And your point is?

Thank you for that clarification. Interesting perspective - that all migration is bad since none of it occurs (successfully) without there being losers and winners... and that expansion of population and range appears to be hard wired into all species from the lowliest bacterium to the largest mammals.

Where did you say your ancestors came from???

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