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Vinyl Music Albums
Cleaning out the garage today I came across a couple of hundred vinyl music albums that I do not want to keep. 95% are rock from the mid-60's through about the early 80's when I went over to CD. Condition is mixed, but most are playable. Is there anywhere or anyone on the Big Island who might buy or accept them as a donation? I really prefer to get rid of them at one go rather than run a pick fest, hence my not using the Punaweb Classified ads. Thanks.
There's an antique shop in Malama marketplace near Mighty Sushi, might try there.
Second LGs suggestion.
Aloha Chunkster, my 16 year old daughter has recently found she loves vinyl. Her musical interest spans from the Beatles, to pink Floyd, to AC/DC, to 80's rock. She regularly looks for vinyl records at garage sales. Perhaps we could make you an offer for the whole lot.

Born and Raised. Puna grown!
Born and Raised. Puna grown!

I would pay for first selection as well...

You don't say what condition they are in. Mold? Disk rot?

Thanks for the interest! I am sorting through the albums at the suggestion of my better half and will come back here and post when I'm done. So far, the great majority seem in good shape and playable. I'm tossing the obviously wrecked ones.

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