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police officers force man to lick urinal
It is important to know what the provocation to the police was. Seems highly probable the events leading up to this incident were extreme. It might not be a factor in the outcome of this case against the officers; still...

In prisons nationwide there are regular incidents of inmates throwing feces on the guards. We have some real scumbag homeless in Hawaii who commit crime after (non-violent) crime and are largely left alone because our justice system is so lenient on crimes like theft and vandalism. (FYI, 1 of 3 inmates in OCCC are classified homeless.)

Let's get all the facts here, including any criminal record this person has. One reason: There is probability some lawyer is going to sign up this guy to file a lawsuit against police.

If the guy wins money, but has a lengthy record--say repeat theft--the system ought to seize that money to 1) reimburse the victims of his thievery and 2) defray the justice system for having to continue to deal with his lawbreaking. And if he's from the mainland, we can buy him a one-way ticket home.
MarkD, no doubt the victim must have antagonized the officers in some way for this to play out the way it did.

Whatever the victim did is really irrelevant to how the officers reacted though. It is their sworn duty to be respectful and treat all people fairly. In essence, regardless of what the victim did the officers actions are inexcusable.
Agree with your basic sentiment, but there is often a gradation in punishment, depending on circumstance. That could happen here, given there are 4 cops.
It doesn't matter if the alleged trespasser provoked the police. The police are supposed to follow the law, and if the story is true, a vile punishment like this with no due process is simply unacceptable. We don't need our police to be scumbags like the feces throwing inmates in jail.
Civil liberties gone mad, eh MarkD?

If there’s ever a chance to get rid of rotten cops, they should do it.
RE: Calls for officers to be fired and cut off from pay-how about due process for them too?
Agree TomK, due process is key. A judge should have sentenced that homeless guy to lick the urinal.
Perhaps the judge will sentence the cops to "lick the urinal" if they want to keep their jobs.

Okay Google... Who are these people and why ain't they working?
Due process, yes. However, I don't much care for the reassignment to desk jobs during the process. Suspension with pay, provided that it would be paid back if found guilty.

"Perhaps the judge will sentence the cops to "lick the urinal" if they want to keep their jobs."

Now you're talking. Creative sentencing.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP

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