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Yelling on Kaloli Point last night - Feb 5?
Did anyone else hear it? I only heard one voice, male, swearing and making Arrgggh noises. I first heard it around 9:00pm (but the TV was on before that time) and it continued on and off. I thought I heard it again in the middle of the night. Sounded a bit like it was coming from the Hilo end of B (Kiawe).
That sounds like my ex-neighbor from hell. As well as letting his dog attack everyone on the street, the evenings would often mean him swearing at the top of his voice which would then turn into screams as the night went on. It wasn't a pleasant time living next door to that. I hope he hasn't returned to the neighborhood. He currently has several bench warrants for his arrest on a variety of crimes including habitual DUI.
I did hear some voices recently one night. Very unusual. Without regard to hour. But haven't heard them since. Have some vacation renters next door right now. None of them has an inside voice. Not sure if it was them or not.
Heard people talking loud.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
SoCal mentioned it was one person making the noise, so don't think this was a group of people. I'm not at home right now, but I don't live too far away from where the noise seems to have happened, so will keep my ears open when I return.

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