03-12-2008, 10:13 AM
I just noticed a swarm of bees going in and out from underneath my post and pier house this afternoon, how do you know if they are honeybees? -they don't really strike pose for you. They have some yellow on them but are not wasps or bumbles, and who do you call to come get them if they are honeybeess? If it was anywhere else I'd just leave them but with my little ones I don't want them to get stung. ...Or myself!!
I just noticed a swarm of bees going in and out from underneath my post and pier house this afternoon, how do you know if they are honeybees? -they don't really strike pose for you. They have some yellow on them but are not wasps or bumbles, and who do you call to come get them if they are honeybeess? If it was anywhere else I'd just leave them but with my little ones I don't want them to get stung. ...Or myself!!