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Local Source for Sodiun Bicarbonate?
I have a professional one

Dan D

Originally posted by dan d

Did u premix the baking soda in a bucket? Are u running a 10micron filter?

Dan D

We use 5 micron filters.
That is fine enough that it is very unlikely that RLW can get through to the house's plumbing system.
Although, it is not a guarantee.

I add all chemicals to the tank at the top of the rainleaders.
If it is raining, I let it wash it down to the tank, or I set up a hose to wash it down.
It will then sit in the underground portion where it is dissolved before entering the tank.
It mixes into the tank quickly and thoroughly.
I add no chemicals directly to the tank.
There is no assurance they will be mixed into the tank's contents in a reasonable time or manner.

I use a spa/swimming pool chemical test kit from HD, the pH portion.
It does not evaluate below 6.8.
You don't really need to see exactly what it is when it is lower than that.
Maybe one of the pool/spa/hot tub dealer/services might have some.

Re Edit:
A quick Google finds that bicarb is used to either cause or facilitate floculation.

That explains why the filter is clogging.
It also should reduce the amount of bicarb dissolved in the tank.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Opinions on this product for testing catchment water?
Originally posted by terracore

Opinions on this product for testing catchment water?

Back in the late '70s I ran an industrial ceramics lab.
Testing of effluent water quality was part of the duties.
It has been a long time, circumstances are different and test equipment has probably improved spectacularly since then.
It does say that it includes a buffer powder that is probably used for calibration.
If it can be calibrated and more buffer is available as an additional purchase to extend the working life and it is reliable, it may be worth having.

I Think I'll get one and give it a closer look.
I looks to be available in different colors, with different names on it.
That signifies Chinese made and marketed by many different sellers.
What with the state of Chinese quality control, if you get a good one
you'll be OK. If not, you may need to do an exchange 1 or more time to get one.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
Originally posted by terracore

Opinions on this product for testing catchment water?

They say that buffer powder is included. That is probably no more than 1 packed of each of the 3 calibration powders.
You will probably need to mix them up into 3 separate 250ml containers.
I'll pick up some 250ml HDPE bottles to mix them in along with the test meter.
That should last for a while.
But, if the test meter id reliable, you'll need to pickup more packets of buffer powder.
That will bring the total investment up to the vicinity of $30+.
You'll also need distilled water to make up the calibration solutions.


I'm going with this one, still prime, $2 less, 2 pkts of each buffer instead of 1 and a protective case:
- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.

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