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Is Nanawale in danger? Look at this News map.
In this news video they show a red arrow heading towards Nanawale at 4:35mins in. I've head no warning of this flow from the youtube CD videos. Is Nanawale in danger?

Video here
What a load of crap.

From the "headline" Harry Reid's Hawaii Geothermal Fracking Plant Buried in Lava.
Not so worried about the up-loaders YT title, more so with the direction of that arrow pointing to Nanawale the news showed. Is there anything heading that way now?
An enormous amount of info can be found under the 2018 Lava Flow Emergency Forum

And Here is the most recent USGS flow map so that you can see for yourself where the new flow is heading.

Thank you reni Smile
Nanawale is too close for comfort.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Won't the flow follow the line of steepest descent (shown in the link Reni provided)

If so, wouldn't that mean Nanawale would be safe?

Although I do agree with Rob, it's too close for comfort....
It's just news people with putting an overly large arrow to point out where the lava crossed the road. Look at the community map of the USGS map in the maps thread for real information. Look to the news people for conflation and misdirection.

Me ka ha`aha`a,
Me ka ha`aha`a,
"It's just news people with putting an overly large arrow to point out where the lava crossed the road. Look at the community map of the USGS map in the maps thread for real information. Look to the news people for conflation and misdirection."

Agreed!! And also agree with Mermaid. The consensus, I believe is that the flow will take an East or north easterly path. And also agree with Rob!! Nanawale is very close.
Who knows what Madame Pele will choose to do tonight??? Pick up speed,change or widen her path? no one really knows with certainty ......If I lived in Nanawale, I would be reading every volcano related thread on Punatalk, click onto the links provided, keep a close eye on this front via the map links provided and make a list of what I would take if I had to vacate in a hurry..
I think our home on Kaloli Point is out of harm's way. But I wouldn't leave right now... as anything really could happen with the flows and Halema'uma'u .
We Punatics in every area need to be vigilant and have a "what if" right now. Can't thank all of you enough who have taken the time to post !
There is a "berm" of sorts - probably an old fissure - that runs north-northeast from Lava Trees and the Y for about a mile. That will divert any lava flow headed towards Nanawale for at least half the length of the subdivision, and once it's headed on that path it will probably continue that way. It's possible that once the land levels out (around the second bend in Noni Farms Road) the lava could take unexpected turns, especially after getting filled in by one flow, but it would probably still just flow downhill rather than sideways.

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