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The future for our farmers in Pahoa
Back to banging my drum!

As long as the coverage continues on our farmers, there remains a glimmer of hope that the State might address their immediate need for land. $14 million in what, 6 weeks? That is not a paltry sum.

update 6-19-18 Hawaii News Now
"As much as half of the state's cut flower industry and up to 80 percent of the county's papaya farms have been lost. And more than two dozen farmers report a complete loss of operations due to lava."

6-20-18 Hawaii News New

"State officials say that Big Island farmers were among the hardest hit in terms of land and production loss. The state Department of Agriculture estimates losses due to the eruption event at more than $14 million for farming operations. "
"As much as half of the state's cut flower industry

Perhaps half of Big Island's cut flower* industry would be a more accurate estimate, rather than half of the the entire state. Although, since there is no cut flower industry to speak of on Maui** or Kauai, half of Big Island production is a substantial part of the state's total.

and up to 80 percent of the county's papaya farms have been lost.

I haven't been in The Zone since the lava flow started, but prior to that I drove down Hwy 132 and Kamaili-Ophikao Road weekly. It's possible the papaya crop is 80% is lost, but I would speculate some of the total is due not only directly to the lava itself, but also indirectly from blocked roads making some of the farms inaccessible, and SO2 damage on standing trees. Whether the last two factors are temporary or permanent depends on how long the eruption continues. Whatever the final loss amounts to, it's substantial, but as leilanidude pointed out papaya can grow with minimal ground prep in rip and crush lava. If land is made available or accessible it's possible the papaya industry can make a relatively rapid comeback. Without commissions and committees and studies and talk, talk, talk. Just bring in a D-9.

* cut orchids
** Maui does have protea, and tropicals in Hana
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
State and County governments are the foundations of the scam that is Hawaii and Hawai'i.
Rational policy is not possible here. Scams only.
Witness: HART vs TMT.
Witness: HART vs TMT.

Apples/oranges comparison.

Mauna Kea is still sacred; Oahu is "pre-desecrated".

HART is a "tax-mining" project; TMT merely captures scientific mindshare.
kalakoa @ 07:47:28 06/20/2018-
Everything on a paying basis I guess.
HART pays pols, OHA and the other elites.
TMT doesn't.
By the way, what about the graves that HART
Guess appropriate payments were or are being made?

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