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Trump tightens rules on USGS reporting
Information is power - thankfully word is from HVO this morning that this will not effect their sharing of information for this eruption event including their daily press briefings.
A new directive from the Trump administration instructs federal scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey to get approval from its parent agency before agreeing to most interview requests from reporters, according to employees and emails from officials with the Department of the Interior and USGS.
“This is really quite troubling. … In the 44 years I was with the agency, I was never required to go through anyone for authorization to speak with a reporter,” said William Ellsworth, former chief scientist of the USGS’ earthquake hazards team and now a professor of geophysics at Stanford University. “The USGS is a nonpolitical science agency. … These new roadblocks will not help them fulfill their mission.”

More at link
No liberal bias, the paper is simply reporting the fact that media protocol HAS changed, for a guideline which has not. At a time like this, in the midst of the current lava emergency, we in Hawaii depend on the rapid dissemination of information from USGS officials, and timely answers to our questions at community meetings. This is another disturbing, and seemingly random interpretation and enforcement of rules from the administration. And then true to form, she refuses to answer a question about WHY the change was implemented now. She’s off to an excellent start at limiting information provided to the public, which is the exact intent of her memorandum.

A deputy press secretary for the Department of the Interior, Faith Vander Voort, wrote in an email that “the characterization that there is any new policy or that it for some reason targets scientists is completely false.” She said the Department of the Interior’s communications office “simply asked” the USGS public affairs office to follow media guidelines published in 2012 during the Obama administration. Vander Voort did not answer a question as to what prompted the change in media protocol.

I alternate between thinking of the planet as home — dear and familiar stone hearth and garden — and as a hard land of exile in which we are all sojourners. Today I favor the latter view. The word “sojourner”... invokes a nomadic people’s sense of vagrancy, a praying people’s knowledge of estrangement, a thinking people’s intuition of sharp loss: “For we are strangers before thee, and sojourners, as were all our fathers: our days on the earth are as a shadow, and there is none abiding.” - Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
You folks are wandering off the Punaweb farm.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
You are right, of course. Posts deleted.
Plus 1, Terracore


Lead by example
I thought your post clarified the point to the subject terra unlike the other...good on ya for that
Sorry - heard about this news, and was posting when I ran across HVO's statements regarding this would not limit the flow of information from them during this eruptive event. They are, however, moving from daily to twice weekly updates on Monday and Thursday.

Obviously feel free to lock or whatever as needed - no intent to drag national politics onto our very full local plates (hmm... full local plate... brb Wink

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