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How could I have been so clueless?
While I only speak of the impact on LE and myself, I am fully sympathetic with any similar concerns from those in the lower flow area.

In my ignorance, I have ranted and raved against King Kim and the county since it became obvious that they did not have the interests of the Leilani residents in their mind.
Their only interest seems to be the benefits they could gain from the plight of those residents.
We are simply logs on the county's fire to wrestle more money from the federal government, for what ever it's purposes are.

Ige is the one that has made all of these abuses possible.
Little doubt all he did was to give the county what it asked for every time it asked for it.

His THIRD SUPPLEMENTARY PROCLAMATION will run until October 2nd if it is not rescinded.
The county will not stop its abuses until the proclamation is rescinded, maybe not even then.

The focus needs to move from the county to the Governor, Emperor Ige, to make a change in our county inspired portion of the disaster.
Only he can stop the abuses.

He is in an election year.
We have missed the opportunity presented by the Primary, probably the more effective lever.
We cannot afford to miss the window of the General Election's leverage in our favor.
If we had made him the focus of our dissatisfaction, we'd probably be sitting in our homes right now.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
While Ige's emergency declaration has enabled the official response (both good and bad), it is the County who has made all the choices as to what actions were taken. I'm not sure there is or was any real election leverage on this topic at the Governor's level. If Rail or TMT wasn't enough to damage Ige, how much could the lava response really factor in?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
I did and always have!
Stupidly, for both Ige and Kim.

I have always been a fiscal conservative while being a social liberal.
Until the last federal election I had always voted for a Republican presidential candidate, ever since Goldwater.
My score card on other offices has been a bit more spotty, a lot of Democrats got my vote for other offices.

What I've recently realized is that I have helped dismantle all the progress of civil rights movement made by the Warren court through the 50's.
The justices appointed by Nixon and on have been been effectively dismantling that progress.
It will continue for at least the next generation.

Now that the Republican party has been crippled and almost completely destroyed by the radical religious right, the tea party types, the alt-rights and so on, we have the ignominy of being led by Trump.
That I can take no blame for.
For the first time, I voted for a Democratic presidential candidate.
AS much as I didn't like her, she was the lesser evil.

- - - - - - - - - - -
Was a Democrat until gun control became a knee jerk, then a Republican until the crazies took over, back to being a nonpartisan again.
This time, I can no longer participate in the primary.
1v1, I spent 40 years in Fairbanks and have been coming to Puna for over half that. Lived here for a dozen. You could be my Presedent, Govenor,Represetative, etc. I like the way you think!
Whoops! President I meant. Caption..
Originally posted by 1voyager1

I did and always have!
Stupidly, for both Ige and Kim.

I have always been a fiscal conservative while being a social liberal.
Until the last federal election I had always voted for a Republican presidential candidate, ever since Goldwater.
My score card on other offices has been a bit more spotty, a lot of Democrats got my vote for other offices.

What I've recently realized is that I have helped dismantle all the progress of civil rights movement made by the Warren court through the 50's.
The justices appointed by Nixon and on have been been effectively dismantling that progress.
It will continue for at least the next generation.

Now that the Republican party has been crippled and almost completely destroyed by the radical religious right, the tea party types, the alt-rights and so on, we have the ignominy of being led by Trump.
That I can take no blame for.
For the first time, I voted for a Democratic presidential candidate.
AS much as I didn't like her, she was the lesser evil.

As you said in the thread title "How could I have been so clueless?". Nailed it, (inadvertently, no doubt).
I think that Gdhsquare's post above belongs here under the heading of " how could I be so clueless ".

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