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Kim's $155M legislative "ask"

Lots of pork here. Where will the money come from?

$4 million for Economic, to increase the Hawaii Department of Agriculture's agricultural revolving loan fund to help revitalize the impacted agricultural industry.

Agriculture is very important (when it comes to asking for money).

$61 million for Regional Infrastructure, including an estimated local 25% cost share for FEMA's Public Assistance program, and money allocated by the State Disaster Recovery Coordinator.

I hope they're referring to our "region", but I suspect other "regions" will be getting some "infrastructure".

$55 million for Housing, to implement housing infill identified by Puna Community Development Plan to accommodate impacted population in accordance with the Recovery Plan

When "implemented", will this "housing infill" be offered at no cost to evacuees? I suspect Kim is really offering pay (certain) developers, who will then sell homes at a huge profit, not burdened by the usual "system development costs". I'm sure the evacuees will wait patiently for another 1-3 years while these houses are built.

$23 million in Emergency, to include $145,000 in major equipment repair and maintenance, and to sustain emergency operations or construct emergency bypass routes in case of renewed eruption. That would entail 1 million for evacuation routes and $21,855,000 for Emergency Operations.

$1M for roads, $22M for "operations". Hmm.

$10 million for Implementation, including $5 million to establish and maintain a State Disaster Recovery Coordinator office for 3 years, and $5 million to establish and maintain a County Disaster Recovery Coordinator office for 3 years.

$10M to establish "offices" for "coordinators". When the 3 years are up, they'll find other County jobs, because a County job is forever.

As an extra added bonus: the "ask" includes reallocation of (some) GET surcharge revenue for other "pressing issues" throughout the County. A bait-and-switch on taxes, who didn't see that coming...
They want $21,855,000 to sustain emergency operations or construct emergency bypass routes in case of renewed eruption.

So do you think the county would just put that money in a piggy bank and leave it sitting there for maybe 10 or 20 years ?

$21,855,000 to sustain emergency operations

I read that literally: overtime and/orn more staff "for the duration of the emergency".

Speaking of which, aren't we about due for a Sixth Emergency Proclamation to extend the first five?
Originally posted by Obie

They want $21,855,000 to sustain emergency operations or construct emergency bypass routes in case of renewed eruption.

So do you think the county would just put that money in a piggy bank and leave it sitting there for maybe 10 or 20 years ?

taken from the article -

$23 million in Emergency, to include $145,000 in major equipment repair and maintenance, and to sustain emergency operations or construct emergency bypass routes in case of renewed eruption. That would entail 1 million for evacuation routes and $21,855,000 for Emergency Operations.

$21,855,000 for emergency operations ONLY ... only $1.000,000 for emergency bypass routes

Anyone know the amt spent per year for emergency operations at present?

eta...if the #s were swapped, ie $1 mil for emergency operations and $23 mil for emergency by-pass roads that would be cool...Harry is a failure imo..
Don't forget the 10 million for Implementation on top of the 22 million for Operations for the 1 million worth of roads.
the 1 million worth of roads

Isn't that ... about one mile of road?
what ah kaatooon...and it started with $800,000,000 + for the desasster
I sure hope that this list is Puna only.
It should be Hi Island only if it was presented by MK. He WILL put it in a bank and save it for rainy day. We wont see a dime of it in puna. Why should we? Was there a disaster here??? It looks green to me. Lol.

Its about as crazy as the wall. Lol again.

Ahhh and then there is the pool with not a thing done to help the kekies have a place to swim.,cant swim pohoiki u will drown, u cant swim pahoa pool( its under repair,even tho no ones there working on it, mabe at nite) mk took care of that, cant swim Mackenzie sp. Where?

All other places like hilo pool way stuffed, had guys throwing rocks at divers keukaha yesterday. Crazy. We live Puna, give us a water rec spot. PLEASE.



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