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reopening the roads in Puna

Dozens of lower Puna residents plan to attend a County Council committee meeting next week to voice their dissatisfaction with the county’s handling of roads still buried in lava.


Of particular concern to Imua Lower Puna is the county’s work with FEMA to secure funding for infrastructure repairs through the agency’s Section 428 program.

While FEMA recovery funds normally come with a stipulation that they only be used to restore infrastructure to its pre-disaster state and no further, Section 428 funds can be used more flexibly — which Smith said means they don’t necessarily need to be spent on lower Puna recovery.

My prediction turns out to be right: Puna gets the disaster, other districts get the funding.
Sure, this seems dirty, and business as usual... But how many times are we going to rebuild and repopulate the rift zone? Perhaps the roads should go back in with signs that say "this road will not be restored with tax dollars in the event of an eruption". Then buyers can beware.

Current residents should similarly receive buyout offers at fair market value.
this road will not be restored with tax dollars in the event of an eruption

Yes: County "could" issue a series of clear policy statements so that people can make plans for the future.

Except that's not what's happening.
Well legally they have to restore access, although not necessarily any particular road. What standard they restore it too will depend on the requirements of the funding source (fed $ = shiny blacktop, county $ = patchy cinder).

Until they buy back the lots they subdivided, sold, and taxed for decades, they don't have a choice (although they will drag their feet for as long as possible).

Hey Obie - Kapoho going to sue yet or waiting to see the new plans stall tactics on Tuesday?
The Section 428 program provides funds that the county and state can use their own discretion as to what they use the funds on.

King Harry and his gang originally came up with a figure of 2 million per mile to replace roads.Their plan was to remove all of the lava down to the original asphalt.
As we have seen it came in a lot less than that because they just provided a level road surface and it was paid for mostly by FEMA.

The county is talking about using the 428 money in different areas such as improving roads and subdivisions on the Kona side so those of us displaced could move over there.We don't want to move to Kona.

I have many friends who had no insurance and the land they owned is the only thing they have left. Many were farmers and they were there because it was the best place on the island to grow orchids, papayas and noni.

We are going to show up in mass just to keep the county from spending the money somewhere that isn't going to benefit those displaced or cutoff from their homes .

We actually still have a board of directors even though we don't have much of a subdivision left:

The group organizing tomorrows council response:
.... Perhaps the roads should go back in with signs that say "this road will not be restored with tax dollars in the event of an eruption"

I'd love to see this on the Kona side. :0

Who knows, they might be next.
Some of the conviently last-minute details about money for restoring Pohoiki Road and other unamed projects as well as the several months of planning needed to consider other roads in Puna

Good luck with County Council today folks!

ETA - although you migbt want to teleconference, space yourself out in the rows, wash hands, even consider wearing a mask....
Made the front page of the paper :

Too bad the picture is of a county employee.We were all dressed in red shirts and 32 testified.
From Obie’s link:

Kierkiewicz assured. … I’ve heard people wondering in the past if the county can walk and chew gum at the same time, and I think this is a way to show that we can.”

I’d be happy if the County could just walk.
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