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Hawaiian Kingdom Moves Into Wailoa State Park
Gene Tamashiro (Wailoa Park digger) hopped a plane for Honolulu and jumped the fence at Iolani Palace:

According to DOCARE officers, Tamashiro was seen gathering in a mall located between the State Capitol and Iolani Palace with about a dozen supporters. DOCARE Chief Jason Redulla spoke to Tamashiro and his group, explaining that without a permit they would not be allowed to enter palace grounds. Tamashiro questioned the legality of ownership of Iolani Palace by the state of Hawaii, alleging that the Kingdom of Hawaii was illegally overthrown.

Tamashiro proceeded to jump the palace’s ornate fence...
alleging that the Kingdom of Hawaii was illegally overthrown.
Have not all overthrown kingdoms over the centuries been illegal according to "someone"?
i think he has a point
Have not all overthrown kingdoms... been illegal according to "someone"?

When I lived on Maui in the ‘90’s, descendants of their overthrown chief still wrote letters to the editor of the Maui News because of their beef with Kamehameha. 
The Marquesan Hawaiians were illegally overthrown by the Tahitians. The Tahitian Hawaiians were illegally overthrown by Kamehameha. His descendents were overthrown by US capitalists... But a lot of bad stuff happened *before* the US took over. Bloody wars and famine, environmental destruction, slavery and indentured servitude, racism against the workers brought in to the cane farms, exploitation of the kanaka by the ali'i, including the taking of their land in the great mahele. The last generation of ali'i had run the kingdom's coffers empty, and were selling rights to deal opium to multiple parties. Classy.

Why does anyone want to return to that, over democracy? Boo hoo kingdom, boo hoo.
Why? Because they don’t know the history.

You know what is said about not knowing history......
Puna:  Our roosters crow first!

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