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Hilo #4 Charmer (Which We've Heard Of)
We all know Hilo is charming, but I had no idea anyone else thought it was THIS charming:

Charming American Towns You Haven't Heard of But Should Visit ASAP
No, no, no. I tell people all the time, don't come here. Just like you heard, it rains all the time. No reason to come. Go somewhere else.

Big Grin
Charming for the homeless, the crime and the rain.
(09-26-2021, 05:43 PM)leilanidude Wrote: Charming for the homeless, the crime and the rain.
Charming for the folks who are struggling with homelessness, those struggling with drug addiction. Also charming for folks with empathy, and a kind heart. With a nice mixture of sun and rain.
16 years here and never going back to mainland.
Aloha Dave, you just made my day. Thanks for your post.
Certainty will be the death of us.
I'm not sure that the average Esquire reader would find Hilo charming for more than 20 minutes.
Hoping all of you who dis on Hilo town live on Kona side, up north, or at South point. If from mainland, rock fever says go back home! There's no Aloha with the David and Debbie Downer, wah, wah, wah's. Geez! See you on
"Karen's In The Wild", on Youtube. Opening Karen is always at the Hilo Walmart screaming, "F#%k You" at the locals. If you haven't seen it, it's funny and embarassing to us haoles.
It's been over 20 years since I first came here. I have noticed a definite increase in Mainlanders (Bringing their mainland attitudes), trash and traffic.

But then again, I'm from the East Coast so I don't ever see it getting as bad as there!
Hey Dave - I tell everyone I meet who doesn't live in Hawaii how awful Hilo is. In fact I go out of my way to gripe about this island in general.

I'm doing my part to keep the population down. You're welcome!
(09-30-2021, 12:36 AM)AaronM Wrote: Hey Dave -  I tell everyone I meet who doesn't live in Hawaii how awful Hilo is.  In fact I go out of my way to gripe about this island in general.

I'm doing my part to keep the population down.  You're welcome!
Thank you AaronM,  Patron Saint Of The Complainers.

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