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Greenwaste/Palm Frond/Coconut/Brush Pile Removal
Lot's of great ideas. All of the above? We always like to keep as much biomass as possible right where we find it. Thin Puna soils and all. Build a huglebed and use it to grow food or anything you like!
Keep it local  Heart
Thank you for the link, Puna Grace.  Very Interesting.  It's my understanding that collected green waste from the transfer stations ends up at one of the central collection areas in Hilo that then processes it and produces mulch for the community so that's great too.

I understand what you are saying as well Kalakoa.  For a lot of people, it comes down to where you want to spend your time.  I've been at points in my life where I have more money than time and pay someone else to do these types of things and other times when I have less money but more time and can do them with my extra time!  Life is a balance, and our time definitely has value!

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