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What is the cheapest source of lumber on BI?
Wholesale Builders Supply?
Anything you have to store there's a risk of theft. Stealing building materials is all the rage here. More so in some places than others. See the old topic "thieves thieves thieves" for more details.

I'm guessing from what Kat said that with WBS you have to take delivery all at once, thus the storage. Other places you'll get the same price if you buy as you go along.
Some people order & ship their building supplies from oahu or the mainland. To save costs, a container at a time is delivered (most houses need only 1, some more...) the container is usually emptied at site & shipped back.... & all of the materials are on your lot... unless well protected, wood will suffer here (tarping a lumber pile can equal mold & mildew growth + creepy crawlies establishing a home...) then add the fact that lumber & building materials have been common targets of theives here... (even in partially finished homes) & that hopefully will explain correctly the WBS post....
hi all, been following the topic ... thought i might offer something i'm thinking about.... buy your own container...i have found 40 footers for as little as 1400.00 and ship it yourself... my thinking is that i can buy on the mainland cheaper then load myself (firs used materials last in) and while i'm building i can lock the container if i'm not around... then after all is built use the container as part of a garage where you can lock the expensive stuff up... what do ya think??? will that work in Puna???

I believe it will work well. Be sure your container is placed on blocks up off the ground and leveled, and in a place you want it to stay.

Then be sure that when you have building inspections you let the inspector know it is temporary.

Such a container can be sold here at least double what you pay for it on the mainland BUT if you buy one that is is less than excellent shape the elements will surely take their toll quickly.

Good luck... Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Make sure the container you purchase on the mainland has a current certification for shipping. I'm not sure what it's called but many used containers being sold need some form of marine engineer inspection and paperwork. Maybe someone can expand on this.
Actually HADave did expound on this subject in another thread a few months ago. You should be able to find it by searching for his posts. I have not seen anything from him lately so I am not sure what is going on. He listed a source that had locations around the mainland (one of the locations is near me north of New Orleans, luckily for me). He also discussed the inspection and paperwork process. If I remember correctly the cost for the required inspection and paperwork was around $240, with no complications or excessive travel.

Baton Rouge, LA & HPP
Finally in HPP

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