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Kenoi & Obama? Please, give me a break.
Obama's got my vote. I think he will be a good,honest, and strong President. But Billy! Give me a break. I was running along Komohana Dr. last night and was taken aback by one of Kenoi's signs. His name was placed on the same sign as Obama's. Is he trying to convince us that he has qualities similar to Obama's? And is he trying to say that has a "young voice"? He definately is younger than the other candidates, but his ideas and influences are "old boy"! Just think Matson rate increases, Union bosses, backroom dealings, and MORE large scale development! His so-called war on ice and coqui was a bust, both are worse than ever! The amount he spends on his campaign, especially his banners, doesn't make him a good candidate. His morals and inegrity is flawed, and his special interests contributions and willingness to lie shows it. All he did in the past few months was litter our roadways with his expensive signs. No matter what, his "banner war" still doesn't downplay his ability to bend truths and manipulate the media. From now on, HTH newspaper will only be used as fuel for my imu. It seems sad that he is pulling out of the stops to get elected. Even if it means trying to associate himself with the next potential President. I bet most of the candidates support Obama. Because Obama truly represents that people. But Billy, he only represents a small and controlling portion of this community. And this group is afraid to lose control. Vote Obama, not Billy.
Agreed, big time.
The distortions and subterfuge undertaken to compare Billy and Barack stretch the imagination painfully beyond manufacturer's warranty!

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

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