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Moving forward from Plantation era
The demise of the plantation era has really been seen in the local Democratic Party's traditional Grand Rallies in the past few elections. With the changing of the guard (and on the coattails of Obama's popularity), this year Hawaii County Democrats are making plans to bring the Grand Rallies into the 21st Century.

Traditionally, the Grand Rally is held at Hilo's Mooheau Bandstand (where in the 1930s local workers trying to unionize would gather prior to facing the police on the docks) each Election Eve, for speeches and rally-rousing by the state's top elected officials and candidates. This year the events are expanding to be more family friendly and less Hilo-centric. KHBC will broadcast and simulcast the rallies islandwide, which will allow candidates to be heard from the Kona side if they need to be in their district the night before the election.

There will be live music, Micicle the Balloon Guy, inflatables to take the wind out of the keiki, shave ice, popcorn, food, etc., all starting at 4 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 19 and again Monday, Nov. 3. The Honokaa High Jazz Band will perform from 4-5 p.m., you can get your picture taken with a lifesize Obama cutout, or real live candidates, adults will be all along Kamehameha Avenue waving signs for their candidates, and after the speeches are all over with, you can go to the County Fair!

Neil Abercrombie will be there to talk about Obama, who he's known since he was a baby on Oahu (Obama was the baby, not Neil), Kids Vote info and more will be there to get everyone in the patriotic spirit! A small core of dedicated Dems are working to pull this together and we do have some surprises up our sleeves that we hope everyone will enjoy (especially if Obama gets elected in Nov.).

HOWEVER, we could use a bit of help here. Does anyone have a largish tent that they could put up and take down on the Mooheau grounds on the 19th from which we can serve food? Or big water coolers from which we can serve free water so we don't have to use bottled water? We would appreciate any help you all can give. Email me if you can help. Mahalo nui loa, Frankie Stapleton

P.S. We got the tents and water coolers. T'anx eh? fs

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