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scale on sago palm
does anyone have scales on their plants, the plants look like they are covered with snow, then they die. how do you kill the scale?

OMG we have that on our sagos! They are dying...what should we do?


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~Dalai Lama

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Two things you can try...

First, flush the undersides of the leaves with a heavy jet of water. I saw recommended on one of the armored scale pages that that scrubbing along with iinsecticidal soap can be effective at control. Friends are doing that, and one is doing OK and the other isn't. check out the CTAHR database about it:

You know I could be off base here, but I'm wondering if the sago is well fertilized and watered and in a healthy state, would it be as attractive to scale?

When our citrus is well fed and watered it has some natural immunity to the scale. In some of the orchards around here were there are infestations and oil based spray is used to kill the pest. Then good management of the health of the orchard seems to ward off the scale.

What do Sago's need to be healthy?

OH I'm STILL stuffed!! Hope you all had a wonderful gathering yesterday, full of hope, full of grateful sentiments for our obvious and not so obvious blessings, and full of good will to last the year and be revisited with each sunrise!


mella l
mella l
Art and Science
This is not really an easy pest to get rid of. Yes, don't take the infected trimmings anywhere other than completely bagged. I would also recommend sterilizing (20% bleach solution) your pruners or loppers after trimming.

Plus, I've seen Sagos infected in gardens where I know that they have received the very best of care. I have seen a few healthy ones, but lots of really awful ones.


This sounds like white fly infestation, Is it the same thing? I was told to cut off the infested branches and burn them.


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