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Emergency at Kehena/Seaview?
Does anyone know what happened at Kehena/Seaview today (1/4/09)? We drove by early afternoon today and there were emergency vehicles everywhere, including a helicopter with a dangling seat with someone in dive gear sitting in it, and maybe a second person too. Judging from all the rubberneckers looking out at the water it seemed like a water emergency. When we went by Kehena many people were leaving at a time when usually people are arriving. I hope no one was seriously hurt.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Here is the Honolulu Advertiser story.

The first link to the WHT no longer works. There has been nothing so far in the Hilo Fish Wrapper (HTH).
Yikes, I knew there was a reason I stay out of the water at Kehena (I'm used to nice placid water, basically pools), if the waves don't knock you down you could get pulled out to sea?
Big Island Video News has the link to the Youtube video of the rescue.

Warning... it's not a fun video to watch!

the man that drowned was a local, witness's, say he sat his child on the rock and went in. He had been having difficulties in life but was seeming to be getting it together. He had been swiming for awhile before the current took him, the waves were relentless on Sunday and one large wave swallowed him. What a shame

setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....

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