05-18-2009, 02:14 PM
A week or so ago, when the council was first considering the taking of funds from the 2% Land Preservation Fund, West Hawaii Today put forth a poll on their website.
Here are the final poll results:
Poll question
Should the county stop using 2 percent of it's real property tax revenues for acquisition of desirable land to balance the county budget?
Votes, percentages and Answers:
(23) (3.6%) Yes, but only if the county trims its existing workforce (filled positions) by an equal percentage.
(73) (11.2%) Yes, we need to balance the budget.
(496) (76.6%) No, voters decided that is how their taxes should be spent and the county should do so.
(55) (8.6%) No, its the only thing the county spends money on that we can account for.
Total votes = 647
85.2% of voters oppose Bill 49
There is the final vote on Bill 49 on Wednesday, May 20th. Approval of Bill 49 would divert all funds from the 2% Land Preservation Fund to the general fund for a minimum of two years.
If you want to email our council members with your opinion here are the email addresses:
Dominic Yagong <dyagong@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Donald Ikeda <dikeda@co.hawaii.hi.us> , J Yoshimoto, <jyoshimoto@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Dennis "Fresh" Onishi <donishi@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Emily I. Naeole <enaeole@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Guy Enriques <genriques@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Brenda Ford <bford@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Kelly Greenwell <kgreenwell@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Pete Hoffmann <phoffmann@co.hawaii.hi.us>
Here are the final poll results:
Poll question
Should the county stop using 2 percent of it's real property tax revenues for acquisition of desirable land to balance the county budget?
Votes, percentages and Answers:
(23) (3.6%) Yes, but only if the county trims its existing workforce (filled positions) by an equal percentage.
(73) (11.2%) Yes, we need to balance the budget.
(496) (76.6%) No, voters decided that is how their taxes should be spent and the county should do so.
(55) (8.6%) No, its the only thing the county spends money on that we can account for.
Total votes = 647
85.2% of voters oppose Bill 49
There is the final vote on Bill 49 on Wednesday, May 20th. Approval of Bill 49 would divert all funds from the 2% Land Preservation Fund to the general fund for a minimum of two years.
If you want to email our council members with your opinion here are the email addresses:
Dominic Yagong <dyagong@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Donald Ikeda <dikeda@co.hawaii.hi.us> , J Yoshimoto, <jyoshimoto@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Dennis "Fresh" Onishi <donishi@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Emily I. Naeole <enaeole@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Guy Enriques <genriques@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Brenda Ford <bford@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Kelly Greenwell <kgreenwell@co.hawaii.hi.us>, Pete Hoffmann <phoffmann@co.hawaii.hi.us>
Assume the best and ask questions.
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